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关于”社交的方式“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Social style。以下是关于社交的方式的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Social style

As like as two peas, they love their fashion. Some students are very luxurious. Their hairstyles are just like their favorite stars, wearing designer clothes and shoes, and some people using expensive mobile phone.

They do this for the following reasons: first, they want to look smart and special; second, they want to win praise and admiration from others; and, in my opinion, it makes them feel cool. We students should have correct values. We should be diligent and thrifty in our daily life, because this is one of our traditional Chinese virtues.

In addition, we'd better donate some pocket money to the hope project, so that those poor children in rural areas can come back. Last but not least, what makes us respected is inner beauty rather than appearance.





Direction understanding is a drop of golden sun, the source of life, and the bridge between human and human souls. Understanding is tolerance and self-restraint that the world needs to understand write an article, which should include: describe the picture below state its main ideas publish your comments. The difference between human and wild animals is that wild animals are easy to be hostile to others and unreasonable Interacting with aggression, primitive humans may have acted in this way, but civilized humans should develop more appropriate behaviors as shown in the figure above, a man carrying a large object accidentally stepped on a woman's foot because he apologized gracefully, and the woman accepted his apology and assured him not to worry; the man and woman in the painting expressed a courtesy Looks and compassionate ways to communicate with each other.

Women understand that men don't deliberately step on her feet. Therefore, whether she is in pain or not, she will not attack or blame him, because she can see the situation from his point of view, conflict will shift mutual understanding, which is a basic aspect of civilized society; some people tend to look at others as the worst, even the smallest No matter how disturbing their own behavior, such intolerance will only lead to more conflicts. Disrespect or abuse of others will not only bring pain to others, but also hurt their conscience and attitude.

Once one tries to understand this experience, compassion for others is an important aspect of social interaction. From the perspective of another person, many troubles and conflicts can be avoided. This painting depicts a common event in our daily life.

The verbal communication between men and women shows a lot about them, while men show politeness in apologizing for their mistakes, What is more remarkable is the woman's understanding when accepting his apology.


方向 理解是一滴金色的太阳,是生命的源泉,是人与人的灵魂之间的桥梁理解是宽容,是一种世界需要理解的自我约束 写一篇文章,内容应包括: 描述下面的图画 陈述其主要思想 发表您的评论人类与野兽的不同之处在于,野兽容易对他人怀有敌意,并以不合理和侵略性的方式进行互动原始人类可能会以这种方式行事,但文明的人类应该培养出更为恰当的行为 如上图所示,一个扛着大件东西的男人不小心踩到了一个女人的脚,因为他优雅地道歉了,女人接受了他的道歉,并向他保证不用担心;画中的男人和女人以一种礼貌和富有同情心的方式相互交流女人明白男人并不是故意踩她的脚,因此,无论她是否处于痛苦之中,她都不会攻击或责怪他,因为她能够从他的角度看待情况,冲突会转移相互理解,这是文明社会的一个基本方面;有些人倾向于把别人看得最坏,甚至为最微小的事情而生气,不管他们自己的行为如何令人不安,这种不宽容只会导致更多的冲突不尊重或虐待他人不仅会给他人带来痛苦,而且还会伤害自己的良心和态度。一旦一个人努力理解这种经历,同情他人是社会交往的一个重要方面从另一个人的角度来看,可以避免很多麻烦和冲突,这幅画描绘了我们日常生活中的一个常见事件,男女之间的言语交流显示了很多关于他们的事情,而男人在为自己的错误道歉时表现出了礼貌,更值得注意的是这个女人在接受他的道歉时的理解。


Social networking sites have grown rapidly in the past few years, and many people have signed up and become members of some social networking sites, such as Facebook, Kaixin and twitter. These sites have become part of their daily life, and people have very different views on the supporters of social networking sites. Social networking sites are a place to share feelings and experiences with friends.

In addition, they say the sites offer a variety of interesting games that can help people relax. However, opponents believe that besides, it is difficult to protect users' privacy on social networking sites. They believe that as more and more employers take into account the image users portray on social networking sites, users' employment opportunities may be reduced.

Social networking sites are a good platform for us to make new friends and keep in touch with old friends. We should be aware of the potential dangers, It is very necessary to adjust our privacy settings to control who has access to our personal information.




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