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关于”快餐的流行“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:The popularity of fast food。以下是关于快餐的流行的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The popularity of fast food

Nowadays, many people tend to eat in restaurants, but what they don't know is that there are reasons for whether it is safe to eat in restaurants. First of all, with the social competition, many people spend less and less time cooking at home, which leads to the fact that they often only eat lunch and dinner instead of cooking. Therefore, people have reason to believe that KFC and pizza taste better than us It's delicious.




The advantages and disadvantages of eating fast food, such as hamburgers and pizzas, take only a short time to order, and now, fast food restaurants are easy to find, so no matter when you are hungry, no matter where you are, there may be at least one fast food restaurant within a short drive. Another advantage of eating fast food is that it tastes good. For example, French fries, spaghetti and fried chicken have a special flavor, which makes consumers addicted.

In fact, these fast food are added with additives, such as monosodium glutamate and sodium, which can improve the taste of food. However, there are some deficiencies in fast food, which is one of the factors leading to obesity. Fast food contains a lot of calories, which are in the body With the advent of obesity, other problems such as high blood pressure and joint diseases also appear.

Some researchers have shown that fast food and obesity have a direct relationship with children. In short, if people want to eat fast food, they should think twice before they act, in order to avoid negative effects http://wwwyingyuhuicn/daxue/html.




Since we go to school, we have to learn English. English is one of the main subjects for us to study English for a long time. We will complain about it.

We always joke that foreigners should learn Chinese now. This is no joke. The world is watching China.

More and more foreigners are interested in Chinese. When we turn on the TV, they have learned Chinese Wen, we can find a very popular program called Chinese Bridge. This is a competition for foreign students to show their Chinese.

I have seen this program and I have a good impression. The foreign students speak Chinese very well. They understand our culture.

They have enthusiasm. This makes them like learning Chinese. We should learn from foreign students.

They show us how to learn one The method of language.




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