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关于”帮助陌生人“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Help strangers。以下是关于帮助陌生人的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Help strangers

In the past, there was a man, Lei Feng, who always helped others to do some difficult things. I think he was a hero. Now, people don't help others.

When an old lady falls down, no one helps her. Why do people do this because someone thinks that this person helped the old lady, because he or she made the old lady fall down. Sometimes the relatives of the old lady would help the old lady The old lady will tell them that he or she is not making her degenerate, but the old lady is always hurt.

She can't tell others that no one wants to do that, but we need to pay more attention to others. Otherwise, when we want to do something difficult, no one will help us and let us care more about others.




Helping strangers has always been regarded as a precious virtue of human beings. We need help from others all our lives. On the other hand, whenever we travel or stay at home, helping others can make us feel happy.

When we are trusted, needed and able to reach out, we will feel extremely happy. Some people are very cautious in helping strangers, They say there is a risk of injury or deception in helping others. Helping strangers often puts us in a vulnerable position because it means trusting someone we don't even know.

In addition, sometimes our bodies will be limited. For example, we can't swim, but girls are drowning. If we turn a blind eye to this limitation, and extend a helping hand will take our lives.

In my opinion, we should try our best to help those strangers in need. We should be careful to be deceived and judge with our common sense Are strangers really in need or professional cheaters? We should defend ourselves or call the police if we find something abnormal.




In our daily life, most of us have the experience of helping the homeless, such as guiding the lost boy on the bus, giving the seat to the older child, and seeing a smile on the face of others. It's a wonderful feeling, just as the old saying goes: "give the rose to others, and the lasting fragrance will stay in your hand." It is necessary to help others, but now professional swindlers often take the kind, helpful and warm-hearted people as an example. Once my grandmother did not hesitate to give some money to a ragged beggar.

He lay on the street begging, but the next week, someone saw him eating big meals in restaurants and hotels. Being generous to them may bring you not happiness, but regret and anger. In short, we should be ready to help others, because when we meet strangers, it will make us feel better and make our society more harmonious.

We should be careful not to get into trouble by helping them.





标签: 英文 作文 真题 专业

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