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关于”天太空“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Sky space。以下是关于天太空的初三英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Sky space

Beautiful sky during the summer vacation, one night after dinner, I went to my grandmother's house. I stood on the balcony and looked at the sky. The stars in the sky twinkled, some crowded and some separated.

Then I found that the colors of the stars were different. They were white, gray, light blue and orange. At that time, it was so beautiful.

The sky was like blue brocade, which was dotted by millions of bright diamonds Hung in the sky, I see the moon, it is like a naughty child, sometimes it hides in the clouds, and sometimes comes out of the clouds, it seems to be playing hide and seek with us, but the stars around the moon are as shy as girls, hiding in the clouds, what a beautiful sky.




During the summer vacation, one night after dinner, I went to my grandmother's house. I stood on the balcony and looked at the sky. The stars in the sky twinkled.

Some were crowded and some were separated. I found that the colors of the stars were different. They were white, gray, light blue and orange.

At that time, it was really beautiful. The sky was like a blue brocade decorated with millions of bright dimples. Looking up at the sky, I saw it The moon is like a naughty child.

Sometimes it hides in the clouds, and sometimes comes out of the clouds, as if playing hide and seek with us. But the stars around the moon are as shy as girls, hiding in the clouds Oh, what a beautiful sky.


暑假期间,有一天晚上晚饭后我去奶奶家,我站在阳台上看天空,天上的星星闪烁着,有些拥挤,有些分开了,我发现星星的颜色不一样,它们是白色、灰色、浅蓝色和橙色,那时候真的很美,天空像是用千百万个明亮的酒窝装饰的蓝色锦缎;仰望天空,我看到了月亮它就像一个顽皮的孩子,有时它藏在云层里,有时又从云层里出来,好像在和我们捉迷藏似的。但是月亮周围的星星却像女孩子一样害羞,躲在云层里 哦,多美的天空啊。


When I was very young, the sky in my hometown was very good and beautiful. The sky was very blue and the air was very fresh. Some birds are singing.

There are many trees in the field. I often play in the open air with my friends. I like it.

Now people are very rich, but my family's sky is not blue, trees have been cut down, there are not many birds, the air is not as fresh as before, litter everywhere, harmful to our health, so we must do something to protect the environment, if we make contributions to protect the environment, the sky will become more beautiful.




标签: 初三 作文 万能

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