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关于”描写地方景点“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Describe local scenic spots。以下是关于描写地方景点的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Describe local scenic spots

Gulangyu Island is a fairyland in the world. Sunshine is a small island in Xiamen. It is like a garden on the water.

Cars and buses are not allowed to drive there, which makes the island very quiet. The music played by piano and violin clearly meet in the sky and the sea. Standing on the horizon on the top of the sunshine rock, you can see Xiamen Part of the scenery, standing at its feet, you can see the beautiful garden around it.

Gulangyu produces bananas, coconuts, sugar cane, etc. the people here are warm, simple and hardworking. They are making every effort to make the island more beautiful.

They hope to welcome more tourists in the future, such as Gulangyu, a beautiful and charming island, where there is a warm welcome waiting Gulangyu is a small island in Xiamen. It is like a garden on water. Cars and buses are not allowed to drive there.

This makes the island quiet enough to hear the music played by piano and violin. When you stand on the top of sunshine rock, the sky and ocean clearly meet on the horizon, you can see most of the scenery of Xiamen when you stand at its feet You can see the beautiful garden around it. Gulangyu produces bananas and coconuts.

The people here are enthusiastic, simple and hardworking. They are trying to make the island more beautiful. They hope to welcome more tourists in the future, such as Gulangyu, a beautiful and charming island.

They are waiting for a warm welcome there.




Jiuzhaigou is located in Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture in the west of Sichuan Province. It looks like the letter Y and stretches for several kilometers. It has nine Tibetan villages.

Therefore, it is called Jiuzhaigou. Jiuzhaigou is a surprising surprise after traveling in many places in China. Ren Zhigang from Israel is an example.

He took him to Beijing, Shanghai and many other places in the past few years He fell in love with the amazing beauty of Jiuzhaigou at the first sight. "This is the most beautiful place in China, because the scenery here is very unique and the color of water is very special. You can't see it anywhere else in China." the magic of Jiuzhaigou lies in water, which is also where Jiuzhaigou is.

The elves live not only in mountains, lakes and valleys of different sizes There are gorgeous colors scattered in the lake, such as clear lake water, clear lake water, clear pebbles at the bottom of the lake, floating grass, fallen branches, all crystal clear lakes have gorgeous colors, sometimes sapphire like blue, sometimes emerald green, decorated with bright yellow ornaments, from Japan's Morishita "I saw some videos of Jiuzhaigou scenery in Japan, but now I come here to watch it myself. I find the scenery there is more beautiful. There are similar lakes in Japan, but I think the water of Jiuzhaigou is better than all of them." Jiuzhaigou water is thanks to the conical karst landform.

The lake water is rich in calcium, magnesium and carbonate ions, which can reflect blue and green light well. Jiuzhaigou lakes are distributed at different altitudes, creating perfection.


九寨沟位于四川省西部的阿坝藏族羌族自治州,俯瞰九寨沟,形状像字母Y,绵延数公里,分布着9个藏族村落,因此被称为九寨沟在中国的许多地方旅行过,九寨沟是一个令人惊喜的惊喜,来自以色列的任志刚就是一个例子,过去几年他带他去了北京、上海等许多名胜古迹,浙江和沙安溪,但他第一眼就爱上了九寨沟惊人的美丽,“这是中国最美的地方,因为这里的风景非常独特,水的颜色很特别,你在中国其他任何地方都看不到”九寨沟的魔力在于水,这也是九寨沟的所在精灵居住的不仅仅是大小不一的高山湖泊,山谷里散落着绚丽的色彩,清澈的湖水,清澈的湖水,清澈的湖底的鹅卵石,漂浮的草,倒下的树枝,所有晶莹剔透的湖泊都有着绚丽的色彩,有时是蓝宝石般的蓝色,有时是绿宝石般的绿色,身上装饰着亮黄色的饰物,来自日本的游客Morishita Sadamasa忍不住赞叹道:“我在日本看过一些九寨沟风景的视频,但现在我亲自来这里观看,我发现那里的景色更美了,日本还有同类的湖泊,但我认为九寨沟的水比所有的都好“九寨沟的水多亏了圆锥形的喀斯特地貌。湖水中丰富的钙、镁和碳酸盐离子能很好地反射蓝光和绿光。九寨沟的湖泊分布在不同的海拔高度,创造完美。


London, the capital of Britain, is a famous city with a long history and rich culture. There are many great wonders in London, such as Buckingham Palace, British Museum, Big Ben clock, tower bridge, tower of London, Stonehenge, etc. they are so wonderful and great Buckingham Palace is the place where the queen lives and you can always see the guards the British Museum is a museum with human history and culture, which contains many items from all over the world Big Ben is the world One of the most famous clocks, it is the symbol of London.

Tower bridge is a famous bridge on the Thames River in London. Thousands of people use it to cross the river every day. The tower of London used to be the prison for the king, Queen and some important people.

Many people were executed here. But now, it is only a historical site, and many people come here to take photos every day I'm sure it would have been interesting to travel to London about five years ago.


伦敦,英国的首都,是一座历史悠久、文化丰富多彩的著名城市。伦敦有许多伟大的奇观,如白金汉宫、大英博物馆、大本钟、塔桥、伦敦塔、巨石阵,等等,它们是如此的美妙和伟大 白金汉宫是女王居住的地方,你总能看到卫兵们 大英博物馆是一个有人类历史和文化的博物馆,里面有很多来自世界各地的物品 大本钟是世界上最著名的钟之一,它是伦敦的象征伦敦塔桥是伦敦泰晤士河上一座著名的桥,每天都有成千上万的人用它过河,伦敦塔曾经是国王、王后和一些重要人物的监狱,许多人在这里被处决,但现在,它只是一个历史遗址,每天都有很多人来这里拍照 巨石阵可以追溯到大约五千年前,它的用途仍然是个谜 伦敦有什么有趣的景点如果我有机会出国,我一定会去那座城市旅游我相信在那里我会很高兴的。


标签: 英文 高分 四年级 作文 地方

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