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Don't believe that victory is everything. If you don't stick to something, what you'll win (Ryan Cochrane) brilliant genius disdains walking in an area he's looking for that hasn't been explored yet (Lincoln) life can only be understood backward, but it has to go forward, skill cogarde although there is a field that has not been conquered by intelligence or will, people can think and act freely. Life is worth living (Austin) life is created by you, 90% is how you think about it.

In Berlin) the greatest use of life is to spend it to do something beyond it. no one in this world can lighten the burden of others (Dickens) life is measured by thought and action. The value of life is not in the length of time, but in the use we make of them (Montaigne) ‰ ideas are like stars that we can never reach, but like mariners, we use them to guide our way (C Schultz) I tell you that hopeless grief has no passion (E.B.

Browning) people who have never had hope will never despair (Bernard Shaw) don't try to be a successful person, but try to be a valuable person (Einstein);; our greatest glory is not that we never fall, but that we can stand up every time we fall (oh, Goldsmith). Industry is not enough, ants are industrious. Why are you industrious (Thoreau) you have to believe in yourself.

This is the secret of success (Charles Chaplin) a wise man who has his own will not lose anything (Nietzsche) Nothing you want is an indispensable part of happiness (Russell).


不要相信胜利真的就是一切。如果你不坚持什么,你会赢得什么(莱恩·柯克兰) 卓越的天才不屑于走一条他所寻找的迄今尚未探索的地区(林肯) 生命只能被向后理解,但必须向前走斯基尔·科加德) 虽然存在一块智力或意志尚未征服的领域,人们可以自由思考和行动,生活是值得生活的(奥斯汀) 生活是由你创造的,百分之九十是你如何看待它在柏林) 生命的最大用途是花它去做一些超越它的东西。 在这个世界上,没有一个人可以减轻别人的负担(狄更斯) 生活是由思想和行动来衡量的,生命的价值不在于时间的长短,而在于我们对它们的利用(蒙田)‰思想就像我们永远无法到达的星星,而是像水手,我们用他们来指引我们的道路(C舒尔茨) 我告诉你无望的悲伤是没有激情的(E B勃朗宁) 从来没有希望的人永远不会绝望(伯纳德·肖) 不要试图成为一个成功的人,而要努力成为一个有价值的人(爱因斯坦); 我们最大的荣耀不在于从不跌倒,而在于每次跌倒时都能站起来(哦,金匠)勤劳是不够的,蚂蚁也是勤劳的你为什么勤劳(梭罗) 你必须相信自己这是成功的秘诀(查尔斯·卓别林) 一个聪明的人如果有自己就不会失去任何东西(尼采) 没有一些你想要的东西是幸福不可缺少的一部分(罗素)。


In this era, environmental degradation has brought great danger to the public in China. With the enhancement of public awareness of environmental protection in these countries, other places have to endure polluted water and haze day after day. We urgently need to learn how to establish a green lifestyle in order to achieve a green lifestyle, we have to adjust our behavior, which can even do some simple things.

For example, we can sort our garbage so that it can be recycled better at home. We can use electric lights and other power only when we need to. We should properly maintain the air conditioners twice a year so that they can operate efficiently and more importantly, make sure that the doors and windows are installed and sealed so that we can use less energy for heating and cooling.

Other simple steps include using public transport instead of driving a private car. Commuters can choose to take buses, subways or carpooling with others. This not only eases traffic congestion, but also reduces the gas emissions in my mind.

Now is the time to establish a sustainable development and green lifestyle in China. The earth has become a human being Providing what they need, and now only by returning through green life can we ensure that we and our children live in a green environment, without traffic jams, in an era of better living habits.


在这个时代,环境恶化给我国的公众带来了巨大的危险,随着这些国家公众环保意识的增强,其他地方不得不日复xx日地忍受污染的水和雾霾,我们迫切需要学习如何建立绿色生活方式 为了实现绿色生活方式,我们必须调整我们的行为这甚至可以做一些简单的事情例如,我们可以把我们的垃圾分类以便在家里更好地回收利用,我们只有在需要的时候才可以使用电灯和其他电力。我们应该每年对空调进行两次适当的维护,这样它们才能高效运行,而且更重要的是,确保门窗的安装和密封,这样我们在取暖和制冷时能用更少的能源。其他一些简单的步骤,包括使用公共设施交通工具,而不是开私家车,通勤者可以选择乘坐公共汽车、地铁或与他人合用汽车,这不仅缓解了交通堵塞,而且减少了我心目中的气体排放,现在是时候在中国树立可持续发展和绿色生活方式的大局观了地球已经为人类提供了他们所需要的东西现在只有通过绿色生活来回报,我们才能确保我们和我们的孩子生活在一个绿水青山,没有交通堵塞的环境中,在一个生活习惯更好的时代。


I will never forget that when I pressed the phone button, I was entering a hotline to inquire about the results of my junior high school final exam. I remember a hopeful but anxious feeling in my stomach, that is, the great moment of death or healing. When I heard a voice saying, "congratulations on your first place" in the exam, "I cheer you on, you made it." I just laughed at myself A lot of success really encouraged me.

However, God seems to have made a prank for me, and the most depressing thing is that, following the most encouraging success, I had just got the good news when I had a severe fever, which kept me in bed for a whole week. If I was not ill, I was really annoyed at the thought of all the happiness I had missed. I could have had a good time with my old friends.

I also missed out on the party that all of my classmates attended before we broke up. Finally, I would like to say that everyone has his own day, and everyone has to face some difficulties and pain. As it is true, life is always full of sadness and happiness.

Don't be vain when you succeed. Don't lose heart when you are in trouble. As long as you relax and work hard, life will eventually give you a lot of rewards, because you have a great heart.






标签: 初中 英文 作文 真题 生活

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