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关于”描写动物“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Describe animals。以下是关于描写动物的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Describe animals

Today, dogs, like cats, are considered the most popular pets in the United States. This wonderful animal is valued for its companionship, protection and friendship with its owners. Therefore, it is not surprising to see dogs or cats in TV programs and movies.

They will not forget lassie, one of the most famous dogs. In order to bring wonderful companionship to pets, the owner must fulfill his or her own responsibility, because it is the duty of owners to ensure that their pets get a good companion To pay enough attention and love, adhere to a nutritious diet, regularly go to the veterinarian for examination or injection and a lot of exercise to maintain their health and mental alertness. Although it takes time and effort to take care of your dog, in return for their owner's care efforts, the dog will give them unswerving loyalty, their love, and most importantly, who wants to please you They sometimes prefer this delicate animal to their own, and canines will remain a favorite pet for years to come.




I like dogs. I have a little dog. It is a gift I gave to me when I was a child.

This little dog is very cute. It is a white little dog. When I go home from school, it comes to me.

When I am sad, it will jump on my knee. It is always beside me. At this time, its mouth will make a sound, which makes me happy quickly.




标签: 高分 作文 专业 动物

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