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关于”居民证明“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Resident certificate。以下是关于居民证明的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Resident certificate

My new neighbor my new neighbor is very beautiful. Our neighbor has a garden. There are many colorful flowers.

There are some tall trees. You can see many people talking and playing under the trees. Some children often play in our neighbor's garden.

Our neighbor is very friendly. We often help each other. I love our new neighbor.




The body of a man in his 30s, from North Africa, was found under the flight route of Heathrow airport, a wealthy residential area in London. Aviation experts say he may have died before landing, either because he was crushed to death by the retracted landing gear shortly after the plane took off, or because it was extremely cold at high altitudes The man's body is believed to have come from the landing gear of the plane. When the plane landed on the avenue of motlake on the South Bank of the Thames less than 10 miles from the airport, they were shocked to find the body after hearing a loud noise yesterday.

Billy Watson, a security guard who lives opposite the man's fall, said he saw the body contorted. He said: I can't believe it. The first thing I thought when I saw the body was that it must have fallen quite high.

From the way his body was smashed, you can see that there is a big pool of blood on his head. Richard Taylor of the Civil Aviation Administration said the undercarriage of a stowaway was unlikely to survive because he was either crushed by wheels after takeoff or froze to death in sub zero degrees Celsius. He said: 'the chances of survival for stowaways are very slim, especially in the undercarriage recess.

I don't know who survived the long flight and were smuggled to the police who said they were investigating whether the body was the body of the stowaway. More than two weeks ago, the body of a stowaway was found in the undercarriage recess of a British Airways flight from Cape Town to Heathrow.


一名偷渡者从飞机几千英尺的高空坠落到一条安静的郊区街道上,他显然藏在起落架里,死者的尸体来自北非,30多岁,在伦敦一个富裕的居民区希思罗机场的飞行路线下被发现。航空专家说,他可能在落地前就已经死亡,原因可能是他在飞机起飞后不久就被收起的起落架压死了,或者是因为在高海拔地区极为寒冷 据认为这名男子的尸体是从飞机起落架当飞机降落在距离机场不到10英里的泰晤士河南岸莫特莱克的林荫道上时,昨天他们听到一声巨响后发现尸体时感到震惊。比利·沃森是一名保安,住在男子倒下的对面,他说他看到尸体扭曲变形了。




Holding a gun is to be safe and to live a better life. But in fact, when people have their own guns, they are not safe for everyone. When a person takes a gun and faces a thief or a bad apple, he is safe.

But if he is also a thief or rubber, it is not safe for other people. In fact, it is unfair to others. Second, when people get guns, they are not safe, They can easily solve gun related problems.

For example, when a couple quarrels, they are impulsive and then take the gun without doubt. One of them will die. Therefore, it is not safe to hold a gun.




标签: 英文 三年级 作文 万能 范文

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