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关于”我未来的新班主任“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:My future new head teacher。以下是关于我未来的新班主任的初中英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My future new head teacher

Dear Mr. Zhang, after talking with all the students in the class, we all think that Wang Ming is the best monitor. He is also very willing to help us learn.

Wang Ming has never been late. He has high scores in all the examinations. He is also good at sports.

He is the captain of our school basketball team. We all ask you to make him the monitor of our class. Thank you.




Time flies by. Three years later, I will graduate from junior high school. I will enter a new school to learn what my new head teacher looks like.

I imagine that she / he is not only young but also beautiful / handsome. She / he may be patient and nice to us. She / he is strict with us.

I hope she / he is outgoing. She / he can understand us and make friends with us. If she / he likes sports, we can We can play together after class and get more knowledge from her / him.

I'm looking forward to seeing her / him/.


时光飞逝xx年过去了,我将从初中毕业我将进入一所新的学校学习我的新班主任是什么样的 我想象她/他不仅年轻而且漂亮/英俊她/他可能对我们既有耐心又对我们很好她/他对我们也很严格我希望她/他外向她/他能理解我们和我们交朋友如果她/他喜欢做运动,我们可以在课后一起玩她/他可以从她/他那里获得更多的知识 ////// 我很期待见到她/他/。


It's hard to hear about the risk of my class. Yes, the teacher of our class is just like her. It's hard for me to return to that serious attitude from a relaxed atmosphere whenever there is a Chinese class.

Because the danger is a very strict language class of the head teacher, the students are not afraid that the teacher will ask him (her) to violate this rule without answering questions If you raise your hand and answer the wrong question, you will be criticized. I think it should be dangerous for the teacher to teach you how to be at home. I often tell you that my mother almost asked her to listen to me.

This is what my mother said: "you may be because the ban broke down. What do you want to start over again? What do you want to know about 'beyond the mountain, on the floor of the house'", I think I heard it Some feelings, and determined to recall all the good memories before the memories, only to see the present in order to succeed and come forward.




标签: 初中 作文 真题

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