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An interesting farm today I went to visit an interesting farm. There were many interesting animals in the farm. There were three lovely chickens and three yellow ducklings eating grass on the green grass.

It was so strong that three pigs were sleeping quietly under a big tree. How lazy they were. They spent a good time in the interesting farm.




This morning, my friend Jack and I went to a farm. We met at the school gate. Then we went to a bus stop and went to the farm by bus.

When we arrived at the farm, we were warmly welcomed. The owner of the farm showed us around the farm. We saw a lot of fruits, vegetables and sheep.

We were very happy to have an outdoor picnic. After dinner, we sang, danced, told jokes and told stories. What is a happy day? Jack ranch is a piece of land covered with vegetation.

It belongs to the farm Part of it is pasture or other open coastal system, or the land used by wild animals to graze or browse before the advent of factory agriculture. Pasture is the main food source of grazing animals (such as cattle and horses), and it is still widely used, especially in arid areas, where the pasture is not suitable for any other agricultural production in more humid areas Grazing is widely developed for free grazing. Organic farming forage can be composed of herbage, legumes, other grasses, shrubs or mixed soil.

The minimum annual temperature and rainfall are important factors in pasture management.




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