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关于”中开头常用的连接词“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Conjunctions commonly used at the beginning of。以下是关于中开头常用的连接词的专八英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Conjunctions commonly used at the beginning of

With the increasing popularity of (Computer / private car) in China, our quality of life has changed greatly with the rapid growth of economy / population. With the development of science and technology, many problems such as (water shortage / energy waste / lack of professionals and management confusion) have come to the surface. Technology / market economy more and more / more people begin to realize that there is a general / serious concern (illegal publishing / drug abuse / negative effects of western Culture).

Now, there is a heated debate / discussion in China Some people think, while others think that owning a private car / PC is, first of all, second, last, on the other hand, there are many reasons against it. First, second, finally, owning a car has many advantages and disadvantages (there are various / at least three ways / possible technologies / problems / ways to do something with a car).




Notice 1, say status, notice, notice, notice, notice, notice, notice, notice, notice, notice, notice, notice, notice, notice, notice, notice, notice, notice, notice, notice, notice, notice, notice, notice, notice, notice, notice, notice, notice, notice, notice, we are very happy to inform you, we are glad to inform you, we are honored to inform you, we have to inform you, we want to inform you, we think it is better To know you, we are glad to have this opportunity to remind you that we are taking advantage of this opportunity. Please allow us to draw your attention so that we can remind you that we have the responsibility to inform you that the purpose of this letter is to inform you, the purpose of this letter is to inform you, the purpose of this letter is to inform you, the purpose of this letter is to report to you, and the purpose of this letter is to inform you that Letter, we want to tell you through this letter that this gift is for you to know.




Dear "Mom / mom / Mom", "teacher / miss / MRA", "how are you?" I'm very glad to hear from you. Thank you for your letter. I'm very happy to receive your letter in February.

④ your letter in February has been received. ⑤ I'm very glad to receive your letter. I'm sorry to have taken so long to reply to your letter.

I hope to hear from you soon. Please give it to you as soon as possible I am writing to tell me all about you. 3.

Best wishes to you. 4. Success in your career.

5. Good health. " “”“”.




标签: 专八 作文 万能 开头

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