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关于”婚姻的的开头“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:The beginning of marriage。以下是关于婚姻的的开头的中考英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The beginning of marriage

As for the truth of marriage, I think we should all have two kinds of life, one is to make mistakes, the other is to come back and do it again. You know, so you don't make mistakes. I mean, parents won't tell you - no one will tell you, parents don't want to sit down and say, "now that's the truth of the matter, that's the truth why we do this - no, it's a big secret.

When I got married, I told my father I was going to get married. You can help me. He said no, I went to my mother.

I said I wanted to get married. My mother told me something about her Say oh, that's great. Your father and I have never quarreled.

He's been fine all his life. It's a lie. I heard him there.

I'll tell you another thing. I'll grab your arm, pull it off, pull it off. Now in my marriage, my wife and I love each other, but I'll tell you right away, we had some fights.

I mean, I never hit her She never hit me, but we had some fights, and I even named her something I'm proud of. My wife did something I wrote down to me, yes, but no one will tell you. The only person who has tried is a priest.

Think about the priest who said I'll tell you, I ask you to forgive the marriage, you can't beat it on our first day of marriage We're both scared. We're married about everything. We walk to our hotel room for our honeymoon and stare at each other - just sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at each other in our clothes, and finally we get in the car, go to the parking lot, and then we know what to do.

In a minute, we can grab each other in a minute, and then hit each other while driving On each other.




This morning, I heard from my classmates that she was going to have a wedding. She called me to attend the wedding. I feel very happy for her after graduation from University, I know her life is very difficult, but she never complains, she always smiles in the face of any difficulties, she is like the bonfire in the cold winter, we are very happy to know that there is a man who sincerely wants to accompany her all his life.

I believe that the meaning of marriage is to be together, not lonely like marriage vows: Although the best and the worst, when you marry When you get married, I will always be by your side, and then you will have a new family. No matter what the external environment is, when you come back, everything will become warm and happy. I hope all the couples in the world can have a happy life.




Whether marriage is successful or not, there is a saying: "marriage is the grave of love". To a certain extent, this is reasonable, because love is romantic in most cases. Lovers only see the bright side of each other, and marriage involves more vulgar things in daily life.

You will not only find his existence or her good side, but also you may not want to Find that he or she sometimes offends you. Therefore, mutual understanding is very important for maintaining a good marriage. With the passage of time and the existence of tension, the husband and wife will only complain to each other when they encounter conflicts.

This situation often happens, and the marriage will eventually break down. Therefore, the most important thing for a couple to remember is that they are precious Love, if it is not for this, how can they understand each other and love each other? They must learn to cherish the conclusions they must get. I believe that mutual understanding is the most important thing in maintaining a successful marriage.




标签: 中考 英文 高分 作文 开头

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