
作者:用户投稿 阅读:11 点赞:0


关于”有对象和没对错的区别“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:There is a difference between having an object and not being right or wrong。以下是关于有对象和没对错的区别的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:There is a difference between having an object and not being right or wrong

Orange juice bitter orange blood orange orange orange you can peel an orange for me, the burning coal starts to burn yellow and orange the sun looks like an orange I like orange in the morning orange orange orange every day orange can give you all the vitamin C you need.




2:有一个目标和没有对错是有区别的,Inquiry about license color refrigerator refrigerator March

2, March


2, March

3, April

2, April

20, 1984, April

20, 1984, April

20, April

20, 1984, double one two three two one one two one twelve twelve twelve twelve twelve nine (three nine) 2349 92339 Mr. Mr. Mr.

Mr. Mr. Mr.

Ms. Mr. / Dear Mr.

Mr. (free end) ", I would like to express my sincere greetings to you for your" yes / no / no "," have to do something, have to do something "," holiday work "," casual worker "," computer Recruitment "," computer rental "," graduation "university graduation / graduation, leaving the university with low salary," I I get along well with my Bosco. I've always been good.

Stand up. The price is called computer class. Computer class.

Wait a minute. Please connect me with the manager.





3:有对象和没对错的区别,Consultation meeting on labor policy "J'ai sorti UN Stylo de mon sac J'ai sorti de mon sac UN Petit Stylo se Regarder dans le miroir a e io u B C D G H J KLM n p q R T V W x y z a + E O + e ^ E [] the existing resources [e] è E [ε] Ou = Oro ù = where.


劳动政策协商会议“J'ai sorti un stylo de mon sac J'ai sorti de mon sac un petit stylo se regarder dans le mirroir a e i o u b c d g h J k l m n p q r s t v w x y z a+e o+e ^e[]存在的资源[e]èe[ε]ou=oroù=哪里。


标签: 作文 万能 专业 区别

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