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关于”什么样学好xx年极“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:What's the best way to learn five years。以下是关于什么样学好xx年极的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:What's the best way to learn five years

? October → January to November 8, November 8, November 8, November 8, March, / March, March / / / / "+" 1982, 1900, 8475720, January 4, January 12, 1930, O ninib 531, Sunday Sunday to January 11, Sunday (Monday Tuesdays (Wednesdays Thursdays or Thursdays) Saturdays (Friday Saturdays) (January / February (February / March (March / April (April / June (June / July (July / August (August / September (September or September / October (October November December (December September September + stndrd (December 23) + March 3 - February 4, April 1.




My future wife when I was young, I had a sweet dream, that is to have a virtuous, gentle and industrious wife. To this day, this desire still exists and is becoming stronger and stronger. As far as I am concerned, no matter how beautiful she is, if she is not good to me, I will think it is useless for her to find a job that can earn money.

Our daily expenses and my salary should be used to pay for the children's tuition. Then, I don't need her to cook every meal, but I prefer to cook and have fun with her at home. I can go shopping in the East with her in a month I should put my business at the top of the list, but not the least.

She should be frugal at home, because it is equality between men and women. You can actually understand my idea. I am a realistic man.

I advocate bravado life. I hope my dream will come true one day. I hope inspired girls can contact me.

My phone number is.




Humor what is teenagers? A teenager is someone who can hear his favorite singer three blocks away, but can't hear his mother's phone call from the next room; a genius who can operate the latest computers without class, but can't make beds; a connoisseur who can enjoy two kinds of beautiful music loud and very loud; a enthusiast who has the energy to ride a few miles of bicycle, but is usually too tired , not willing to wash dishes; romantic, only once a week in love; a boy can sleep until noon on any Saturday, suspecting that the room needs cleaning; an original thinker, who affirms that his mother has never been a teenager expert connoisseur fanatic romantic doubt primitive masculine.


幽默什么是青少年?青少年是一个在三个街区外能听到他最喜欢的歌手的人,但听不到他母亲从隔壁房间打来的电话;一个可以不用上课就可以操作最新电脑但不会铺床的天才;一个能大声和非常大声地欣赏两种优美音乐的鉴赏家;一个有精力骑几英里自行车的爱好者但通常是太累了,不愿意擦洗盘子;浪漫主义者,一周只谈一次恋爱;一个男孩可以在任何周六睡到中午,怀疑房间需要打扫;一个有独创性的思想者,他肯定自己的母亲从来都不是个十几岁的孩子 行家 鉴赏家 狂热者 浪漫 怀疑原始 阳性。


标签: 高分 九年级 作文 年级

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