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关于”生购买奢侈品“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Students buy luxury goods。以下是关于生购买奢侈品的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Students buy luxury goods

Extravagant consumption is extremely harmful to the young generation, especially in the absence of proper guidance and education, schools must formulate new regulations to prohibit students from carrying luxury goods to school. In most cases, students can not afford these luxury goods, and these things are not their necessary equipment. Take life as an example, there is no need to bring expensive high-tech products to school The school is a place for learning rather than entertainment.

Moreover, if some students start to carry luxury goods with them, it may make those from poor families feel uneasy and even feel inferior. This is not a wise problem and will damage the atmosphere of the school. However, it is equally important to ensure that students' property is well protected, it is difficult for schools to put luxury goods in a safe place Fang, schools need to spend a lot of time and energy.

We can see that this is unreasonable. After all, schools are places for teaching and learning. It is reasonable and necessary for schools to formulate rules to prevent students from going to school with expensive luxury goods.




2:学生购买奢侈品,Recently, there is a heated discussion about whether online shopping is good or not. For me, I really want to buy things online. Online shopping has many advantages.

First of all, you can enjoy the convenience of online shopping: surfing the Internet to order your things, you can search as much information as possible, which is not normally allowed. Moreover, many people like to pursue fashion, and then they choose to shop online. But in my opinion, there is another voice: "virtual is dishonest, it is not safe to do business through the Internet." With the development of network technology and human morality, our transactions through the Internet will be more secure.





3:生购买奢侈品,Walking on campus, you will find that luxury is not far away for students, some wearing CK clothes, some carrying LV bags. According to an online survey conducted by Tencent in May this year, percent of students claim to own some kind of luxury goods, and the way to obtain luxury goods is very different. Some students get it from their parents because their family is in a good financial situation, and some people do part-time jobs to buy luxury goods themselves.

For example, a college student named Xiaomei said she had been tutoring for three months. In order to buy a bottle of Dior perfume, some people got luxuries as gifts from friends or relatives. I am against students using luxury goods.

As we all know, the price of luxury goods is very high, but students are not independent economically. They should pay attention to study. In this sense, it is not appropriate for students to use luxury goods.





标签: 大学 英文 三年级 作文 万能

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