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关于”一篇撒谎“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:A lie。以下是关于一篇撒谎的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A lie

In English, a white lie means a white lie. But whether people should tell a white lie or not is a typical example. When a patient is suffering from an incurable disease as shown in the figure, whether the doctor should tell the patient the true condition of the patient.

Now the doctor is in a dilemma. He can decide whether to tell or conceal the patient's serious illness. Some people think that the doctor should tell the patient about the patient's serious illness Telling the patient about their true situation may destroy their hope, which may make the illness worse, so it is better to tell the patient a white lie.

People who oppose this view believe that a lie for a period of time is a lie after all. Patients should know their condition because it is their legal right to know the truth. Lies are considered as synonyms of deception and hypocrisy.

Liars are often despised. But in real life, sometimes we need lies, because a white lie can comfort and encourage people, If a seriously ill patient hears your lie and can cheer himself up to fight the disease, you don't think your lie is meaningful) a lie for a period of time.




2:谎言,People say that life is full of lies. Some people lie to make themselves feel better, while others do it to cover up their crimes. We have been taught to be honest people.

Lying is not acceptable. When we go through different stages of life, we will find that lies are sometimes acceptable. Is a lie considered a lie The purpose of forgiving lies is to make others feel better and not bring about negative effects.

We call them white lies. For example, a little boy's father died in a car accident. People tell the boy that his father has gone far away and won't come back in a short time.

This can alleviate the pain of innocent boys. On the other hand, when people make mistakes, they try to avoid responsibility And lying, which is the bad behavior we need to face our mistakes and correct them. Facing our problems bravely makes us become mature people.

Except white lies, they are not acceptable in most cases.




3:一篇撒谎,Today is a bad day. I told a lie that I was scolded "remember, one afternoon after school in my third grade, my father said to me," in the evening, take me out to dinner, but to finish my homework. "I listened and was very happy.

I immediately put down my bag and started to do my homework without writing. I would tell my dad," Dad, I finished my homework. "So, My father asked me, "how can you write your homework so fast today?" I said, "there is no math homework today, so I write quickly." when I finished, I packed up and prepared to go out for dinner the next morning.

I went to school to hand in my homework. I thought of my math homework, and I didn't write on both sides. It's too late for reinforcement.

Don't fix it. He's afraid of being told by the teacher and read it in the morning Books, but did not make up for the morning reading, my heart a little flustered, in the morning I feel like a butterfly in

15 pockets in my stomach, when the teacher check homework, the group leader stood up to report, the report finished, the teacher asked me why not do homework, my face turned red, with a shaking voice said: "teacher, I'm going to go," the teacher said sternly, "you must Bring tomorrow. "At this time, my heart, calm down.

Hey, a lie can really feel good. I'll never lie.".




标签: 英文 高分 三年级 作文 年级

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