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关于”工作化差异“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Working difference。以下是关于工作化差异的考研英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Working difference

In the process of job hunting, interview is essential. If a job seeker can make full use of the interview opportunity and leave a good impression on the interviewer, then if the job seeker does not perform well in the interview, he may be lucky to get many jobs that the job seeker is competing for. The job seeker is unlikely to succeed in the interview.

The job seeker should first show certain personal and professional qualities, Secondly, they should pay attention to their appearance and way of speaking. To give full play to their ability, especially to master the professional knowledge required for the final job application, a truly impressive job seeker must convey a confident and pragmatic attitude towards the relevant career. If the interviewer successfully displays these characteristics and shows his most attractive qualities in the face-to-face interview, the interviewer may Make a decision in the interview and ask him one by one.




2:工作差,Author: for most authors, the pay is ridiculously low, even nonexistent, but the autonomy to write down the content of their own mind obviously brings happiness special education teacher: if you don't care about money, the job as a special education teacher may be a happy career. Although% of the new teachers leave within five years, they seem to have managed to solve their financial services sales agency problem.


作者:对大多数作者来说,报酬低得离谱,甚至根本不存在,但写下自己心中的内容的自主性显然会带来幸福 特殊教育教师:如果你不在乎钱,作为一个特殊教育教师的工作可能是一个快乐的职业,尽管有%的新教师在xx年内就离开了,但他们似乎已经设法解决了自己的金融服务销售代理问题。


3:工作化差异,For college students, when graduation season comes, it's time to think about their future and figure out what kind of work they want to do. Some students choose to work in the company, while others decide to start their own businesses. These two choices are good for people who work in the company.

They can obtain new work experience directly in the job market. They have no resources. So working in a large company is a good choice.

They can make money and make a living. It is very important for entrepreneurs to realize self-identity. They don't have to be limited by location and working hours.

They can do what they want I want to give full play to my talents. It's good to be in control. They can learn a lot in the process of running a business.

Everyone's work choice depends on his personal situation. No matter what choice students make, the most important thing is to accumulate experience.





标签: 考研 作文 真题 差异 文化

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