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关于”用向外国人介绍中国“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Introduce China to foreigners。以下是关于用向外国人介绍中国的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introduce China to foreigners

South Korea (Republic of Korea) is a very modern country. When you go to Seoul, the capital of Korea, you will find that a city is as up-to-date as Europe, the United States or Japan. However, through its own traditional culture, language and delicacies, South Korea has retained its unique identity or alleys along the broad streets and through any city or town.

You will find a variety of Restaurants, large and small, even in the most humble places, serve delicious dishes, from fish to barbecues, mushrooms, and pickled foods. The Korean market, its fishing villages and farms, although the buildings may be modern and very similar to the past, its craftsmen, such as celadon potters, have recreated the great works of the past, all of which are Korean The traditional expression of Chinese culture is still based on some ancient Confucian principles, including willingness to work hard for any task and, most importantly, dedication to the family. These family values are best reflected in the important festival they call "Autumn Moon" every year.

Korean people commemorate their ancestors with food and pray for families to go to their ancestral homes to build and fill them The altar of food, and then go to their grandparents' or parents' graves, where they offer food and bow in homage. It's a colorful and touching ceremony. Korean culture is still based on some ancient Confucian principles, including willingness to work hard for any task, especially the dedication to the family, whose values are in their annual "Autumn Moon" this The best expression of the important festivals is that Koreans use food and prayer to commemorate their ancestors.

Family members go to where their ancestors are, they build altars full of food, and then go to their grandparents' or parents' graves, where they provide food and bow in homage. It's a colorful and touching ceremony, in this and many other ways The basic cultural values of the Korean people are still of great importance.




2:,The biggest festival in China, the Spring Festival is a time before the Spring Festival for family reunion. Everyone is busy buying spring festival gifts. Yesterday, I bought some photos for you and your father, and tomorrow we will buy necessities.

Children can wear new clothes to visit relatives and friends on the first day of the new year, and wish each other a happy new year.




3:用向外国人介绍中国,The beauty of the West Lake lies not only in the lake, but also in Longjing, which is surrounded by mountains and lakes. In the south of Shanxi Province, there are scientific Anshan mountain, Nanfeng mountain, Wusong mountain, Daci mountain, Qinyan mountain, Nanping mountain, Fenghuang mountain, Wushan mountain, etc., which are collectively referred to as Nanshan Lingyin north mountain, Beifeng mountain, Xiangu mountain, Qixia mountain, Baoshi mountain, etc However, the mountains show that the beautiful north and South peaks of the forest spring are far away from the confrontation. Gaosai Yunwu lake was formed in the Southern Song Dynasty and is basically distributed around the West Lake.

The lakeside areas are: the spring dawn of SUDI, the wind lotus of Quyuan, the love of red beans, the snow scenery of broken bridge, Liulan Wenying, Huagang fish watching, Leifeng sunset, Shuangfeng Saiyun, Nanping evening bell, and three pools reflecting the moon The ancient essence of West Lake scenery, therefore, whether local or foreign scenery, Hangzhou passengers are willing to talk freely..




标签: 中国 英文 三年级 作文 真题

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