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关于”为贫困儿童捐书“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Donate books to poor children。以下是关于为贫困儿童捐书的雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Donate books to poor children

Advantages: we advocate that we should make use of our leisure time to do public welfare undertakings. After all, we all live in the survival and development of this society, which is the first. If we blindly help our children and neglect our lovers and family members, we should not and should help our children's families.

If it is simple and simple, such as providing subsidies to help children's living, will parents also eat their children The poor children of my parents are also my parents' big and big children. It is suggested that a certain subsidy model be given to the family: how many social groups are there now? In one person's education mode, we are the same. But before the actual operation, we found a problem: the first time the students concentrate on money, for example: students have time and energy, and there is no money.

On the contrary, workers have Some money, but because of their work, they don't have much time and energy. They all want to express the public's demands. Then, uniting them is a solution.

The other way is to strengthen the communication between the aid groups, let the aided children spend longer time, share their pressure, reduce energy use time, and material integration spirit: we must pay attention to poverty, Spiritual level: maybe we don't know, but for frustration, it's also the same truth, either hard work or depression. Due to the poor children, family background and other reasons, there may be a kind of inferiority complex, which requires us to give more spiritual guidance and help, and take good care of the crutches of their growth principle: we are like the crutches of patients, our purpose is to Do we have no dependence on helping them to be healthy, or other health to abandon us? Remember that we are always only helping fate to change or relying on ourselves to be friends: only the dialogue between friends is more sincere, rather than the relationship between the giver and the recipient, so it is easy to have a sense of dignity and give people a feeling of being unable to be intimate Feeling close::,:,:::.




With regard to sending goods and money to poor countries and backward countries, many international relief organizations now send symbolic materials and money to poor countries. I should say that this kind of behavior is basically reasonable. It helps the rich countries to distribute national materials.

People have extra money and they have the ability. On the other hand, people in poor countries need funds and materials very much. Therefore, this is the solution A good way to solve the problem.

The function of these relief organizations is to collect these relief materials and funds and send them to the poor. When these materials enter the poor countries, everything has its disadvantages. For example, they transport a large amount of rice to a country that needs rice very much, and the price of rice there is very high.

Can you imagine that the price of rice in this country will drop, The local agriculture will be affected, and the local farmers will also suffer great losses, thus forming a vicious circle. In this way, the national economy will not be improved for external reasons, but will become worse. The key to solve this problem is to control the quantity of relief materials and keep them at a reasonable level.

This is a reasonable system, which will play a better role.




If you receive the warning of an earthquake, continue to listen to the latest reports and suggestions from local radio stations. For example, it is suggested to turn off the liquefied gas, the power supply is large and heavy objects should be put on from high places, cans and glass should be taken away, porcelain and other fragile items should be placed in low cabinets. The luggage rack should be blocked to prevent articles from falling down.

The cabinet door should be closed and hanging objects should be removed.




标签: 雅思 作文 满分 儿童

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