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关于”感动的一件事“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:A moving thing。以下是关于感动的一件事的高一英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A moving thing

This labor day, I went to Ningbo by train. There was a disabled little boy, leaning on a crutch, struggling to give up his seat to an old lady. This scene still leaves a deep impression in my mind and still touches my heart.

This little boy's behavior has infected the people around me. I think if everyone can help those who need help, even if it's just a small matter, it will It will also help us to live in a more comfortable and beautiful society.




People always think that Chinese fathers are silent. They don't often love their children. My father is a typical one.

He doesn't talk much. But I know that one day he loves me. When he comes home, he brings a gift, which is what I need.

I only talked about it once, but my father remembers how moved I am.




Parents are the people who care about us most, but for many children, they think it is necessary for them to give them everything in the process of their growth. They begin to realize their responsibility and appreciate their parents. I used to be naughty.

I went out with my friends late, but I didn't tell my parents because I thought they wouldn't care, but when I went home I found my parents and my uncle sitting together. When my parents saw me, they looked very unhappy. They asked me why I came home so late.

I felt unhappy and yelled. Then my uncle told me that my parents were very worried about me. At this moment, they searched my whole street.

I was very moved and felt their feelings love.




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