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关于”中的连词“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Conjunctions in。以下是关于中的连词的高考英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Conjunctions in

(comma (colon): (semicolon) (question mark) (exclamation mark) (DASH) - (quotation) (hyphen) (apostrophe) a new English Chinese dictionary the party is to celebrate the mothers' silver wedding. Do you want him back tonight? The sky is blue. Don't cry.

She wants bread, meat, milk, sugar and tomatoes. He will come back from Houston, and his sister will live for another month. The agreement stipulates the delivery of the following raw materials: cotton, wool, jute, etc.

my mother told me that I would marry a rich sentry 20 years ago. Stop it.




I'm going on holiday. I have a vacation plan. Sometimes I do some housework with my parents at home.

I usually play badminton with my friends. In the evening, I watch TV with my mother. Sometimes I play computer games with my father.

I do my homework in the afternoon. I think I will have a happy holiday.




This is a busy holiday. I have made a plan for my life, such as writing an English composition every day, helping my parents do some housework, completing my homework, etc. I will study hard and study hard for myself in sophomore.

I will preview books and take notes in advance. After that, they won't ask others that they didn't do well in the exam. I'll make up for it in the summer vacation It's not well written.

I know. We'll see a suggestion in the future. Help me correct the bad part.

Thank you.).




标签: 高考 作文 万能

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