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关于”有关fire“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:About fire。以下是关于有关fire的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:About fire

When did people use fire? No one knows, but we know it's a long time ago, some people said that fire was useful a few years ago. Now fire is useful. Fire is a great thing that has changed our future, but fire can also be very dangerous.

Don't play with fire. When you see fire, you should be careful.




Since ancient times, fire is very important to human beings. Primitive people used fire to protect themselves from fierce animals. Later, they used fire to burn the weeds in the fields, so that they could grow crops.

We can say that fire enables human beings to grow and make a fire, which is still of great significance in modern life. When you want to make a delicious meal or drink a cigar, you should What we need is that fire can also bring us the enjoyment of beauty. Although works like fire sometimes cause danger or even death, we can still do it and draw a conclusion that fire is very important.




In recent years, one after another of campus fires shocked people, and every accident had serious casualty reports - houses were burned down, students lost their lives and property was damaged. In the face of such a chilling fact, people have been asking, "what is the cause of these repeated tragedies" a brief investigation of these accidents shows that the human factor is still the most important cause. For example, three of the fires were caused by students' use of electric water heaters.

Students often leave the water heaters unattended. If the water in the bottles is dried up and no one turns off the power supply in other situations, the risk is quite high. Furnaces, candles, cigarette butts, etc.

can also cause fires 。 Since most of the fires can be prevented if proper preventive measures are taken, the importance and measures of fire prevention should be better taught to students. The following three reminders are particularly important for our students: first, second, learn how to use fire extinguishers, check candles, heaters, stoves and other electrical appliances again, and finally make sure there is no open fire before leaving the room, and do not smoke in the dormitory.


近年来接二连三的校园火灾让人们感到震惊,每起事故都有严重的伤亡报告——房屋被烧毁,学生失去生命,财产遭到破坏。面对这样一个令人毛骨悚然的事实,人们一直在问,“究竟是什么导致了这些屡屡发生的悲剧” 对这些事故的简要调查显示人的因素仍然是最主要的原因例如,其中三起火灾是学生使用电热水器造成的,因为学生经常把热水器放在无人看管的情况下,如果瓶子里的水烧干了,而在其他情况下没有人来关断电源,风险相当大,炉子、蜡烛、烟头等也会引起火灾。由于如果采取适当的预防措施,大多数火灾都是可以预防的,因此,应更好地教育学生防火的重要性和措施。



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