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关于”旅游建议“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Tourism suggestions。以下是关于旅游建议的小学英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Tourism suggestions

Decided to travel Peter, Dave, Tony Peter: Hi, Dave, long time no see, Dave: fine, thank you, I just came back from the Yangtze River Cruise. This is my friend Tony. We went together.

Tony: nice to meet you, Peter Peter: nice to meet you, Tony. Did you have a good time? Tony: I think we have, but it's too hot, right, Dave. Dave: almost The scenery along the river is so beautiful.

How are you doing? Peter: I'm fine. Thank you. Oh, maybe you two can help me with this.

Dave: what can we do for you Peter: I'm planning a summer vacation trip, but I can't decide which city I should go to. It's really hard to decide. Tony: Hey, decide, OK, maybe three heads are better than one.

What's the choice? Peter: Hangzhou , Suzhou and Yangzhou Dave: I went to Suzhou last year, where the taxi drivers were rude, the hotel service was poor, and the food was Tony: I had bad experiences there too Peter: OK, forget Suzhou. How about Hangzhou and Yangzhou? Dave: I've never been there and I can't comment on it. Let's take a look at the information of the United Airlines.

It will tell us all the necessary information. Tony: we can log on to find all the information we need. Peter: great.

Peter, Dave and Tony check the information online. Dave: Peter, you can see if you want to go to Hangzhou, the airline There's no discount at the hotel, because it's the summer's saissen peak, but if you go to Yangzhou, you can enjoy a big discount at the hotel. Tony: Yes, I think you should take this into consideration.

Peter: you're right. I really don't like to go to the sea of people. I can always choose a better time to go to Hangzhou.

Yes, Dave: of course, Peter: so I'll book the air ticket and Thank you very much, Dave and Tony Dave: I hope you have a good time in Yangzhou.




My name is Wu Peng. I am a primary school student. Last Sunday, my classmate Li Gang and I went to the park.

We had a good time there. We sang a lot of songs together. There were many people in the park.

We saw many kinds of flowers there. We had lunch in the park. I ate bread and juice.

Wu Peng ate hamburger. I think it is much better than before. We have to go home and we are all happy.




This summer camp is really good. I had a good time in the summer camp my mother forced me to go. I thought it would be terrible, but it was a little good, not bad at all.

The happiest time I spend here is when we go to a very interesting water park, which is called the river horse water world. There's a really interesting slide where you sit on a float, and then you slide down, but when you get inside, it's completely dark, and it's even worse than going in a haunted house, but it's fun, I have the courage to climb mountains, time goes by, the journey to the hippo is over, and we're back.




标签: 小学 作文 万能 建议 旅游

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