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Note: write a short passage according to the picture below. You should briefly describe the picture, explain its intention, and then give your opinion you should write neatly on the answer sheet what jumps into our eyes is a shocking scene: a strong worker focuses on sharpening his knife, his sword is printed with the words "made in China", while the sharpener and title clearly read the spirit of craftsmanship or craftsmanship it is obvious that this painting attempts to promote the spirit of craftsmanship, pursue excellence, excellence, customer-oriented, and make watches and handicrafts in Switzerland In terms of machinery made in Germany and management in Japan, it is the respect and persistence to this spirit that has created numerous world-famous brands and enterprises in these countries. All the craftsmanship comes from oral guidance and rote memorization.

The old man mahotraan once said that because of his concentration and specificity, he was appointed as the general manager of shoes by the world famous luxury brand chanel Designers, on the other hand, over worship of money forces Chinese people to extreme anxiety and impetuosity - products made in China have no characteristics, which makes it difficult for enterprises to achieve further development. Obviously, craftsmanship spirit is not in any place, but in a small range. We should settle down and create excellent products.

Remember, those who can survive the storm are those who have a lasting spirit of craftsmanship.


说明: 根据下面的图画写一篇文字短文,你应该 简要描述图画, 解释它的意图,然后 给出你的意见 你应该在答题纸上写得工整 跳入我们视线的是一个令人震惊的场景:一个强壮的工人专注于磨刀,他的剑上印着“中国制造”的字样,而磨刀机和标题则清楚地读着工匠精神或工匠精神 很明显,这幅画试图弘扬工匠精神,追求卓越、精益求精、以顾客为导向,在瑞士制造的手表、手工艺品等方面,德国制造的机械,日本的管理,正是对这种精神的尊重和执着,造就了这些国家无数的世界知名品牌和企业所有的工匠工艺都来自口头指导和死记硬背的马霍特拉安老人曾经说过,而且由于他的专注和专一,他被世界著名的奢侈品牌香奈儿任命为鞋子的总设计师反过来,对金钱的过度崇拜把中国人逼到了极致的焦虑和浮躁——中国制造的产品都是没有特色的,这让企业很难做到再发展 显然,工匠精神不在任何地方,而是在很小的范围内,我们应该安定下来,努力创造出优秀的产品。记住,那些能在风暴中屹立不倒的人,都是具有持久的工匠精神的人。


The Chinese women's volleyball team has won great honor in the last century. Their never giving up spirit has inspired many people. However, in the past ten years, due to the retirement of old volleyball players, the new players are not strong enough.

The Chinese women's volleyball team has encountered difficulties in winning an important game. The Chinese women's volleyball team announced its return last night. At the Rio Olympic Games, the volleyball team played a match with Brazil In a very important competition, the hope of winning is very slim, because the Brazilian team is very strong, they are the champions of the last two Olympic Games, while the Chinese team only won the final record of one game.

Almost all the spectators support the Brazilian team. It seems that the Chinese team can not win the game, but the girls are very strong. Even if they lose the first game, they also insist on being the last They never give up in a game, especially the last two points.

They are so brave that they win the game. This is the spirit of the women's volleyball team. We see these girls fighting for the last minute.

They are the best team.




In the Olympic Charter, there is a paragraph in the "Olympic principles" of the International Olympic Committee: "everyone should enjoy the possibility of sports without any form of discrimination, and embody the Olympic spirit of mutual understanding, friendship, unity and fair competition". In the context of Olympique movement, the Olympic spirit has a specific meaning, the Olympic Charter The content of the Olympic spirit is "mutual understanding, friendship, unity and long-term fair competition". The Olympic spirit is the support and cultivation of "faster, higher and stronger".

The "faster, higher and stronger" is "self-confidence, self-reliance and self-respect". This is the driving force of the Olympic spirit. Sublimation is the realm of the Olympic spirit.

The Olympic Games are not only the symbol of world sports competition, but also the symbol of world peace, friendship and unity. This is the Olympic spirit.




标签: 英文 作文 万能 专业

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