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关于”坚持对成功的影响题目“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:The impact of persistence on success。以下是关于坚持对成功的影响题目的初一英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The impact of persistence on success

In modern times, everyone is eager for success, but how to achieve success is still an outstanding problem. Some people think that wealth is the key factor to measure success, and the way to accumulate wealth is the way to success. Some people think that success depends on cooperation and teamwork.

Although others think that hard work is really important, there is no doubt that successful people are better at making profits He will never succeed if he works little and only waits for opportunities and help. Therefore, in my opinion, self-confidence, diligence, dedication and perseverance are the four basic elements of success. Without self-confidence, a person who does not dare to explore new areas will lose many opportunities for success.

Self confidence is also the source of innovation, Diligence is another key factor in success. Diligence is another key factor of success. It is simply to say that we should not waste time.

Hard work helps us eliminate ignorance, overcome difficulties, open our minds. Diligence makes fools wise and the poor rich. If we waste time now, our life will be a failure.

If we work hard now, we will succeed in the future. This means that we concentrate our minds And energy to do things, this is another key factor in success. No matter what we are doing, we must devote ourselves to it and do it enthusiastically.

Only by focusing on our work can we do it well. Perseverance is also an important factor in success. If we do not have strong perseverance, we are likely to flinch in the face of difficulties, and we can never get into difficulties Success is not an easy thing to achieve.

It must have confidence, diligence, dedication and perseverance. A self-confident person with diligence, dedication and perseverance is invincible. Therefore, anyone who is eager to succeed must possess these four qualities.




Note: write a short passage according to the picture below. You should briefly describe the picture explain its intention and give your comments you should write a few points on the answer sheet neatly) success is always described by the elderly as something related to patience. In the picture, a man sitting for a dozen of clocks has a subtitle beside him: "success means five minutes more than others".

From this, we can infer that a person sets so many clocks just to remind himself never to give up; success comes from persistence, which is very correct, for the following reasons No achievement can be achieved in a short period of time. Success requires constant diligence and hard work. Second, when a person can persist in making progress towards his achievements, he must believe that his belief is the source of perseverance and pave the way for success.

As the saying goes, "Rome was not built." finally, I would like to borrow another old proverb, "smile "The last one laughs best." laughter symbolizes confidence in success, and confidence always produces patience and persistence. Therefore, I firmly believe that if everyone can apply what the picture conveys to practice, they will surely gain a lot.


说明: 根据下面的图画写一篇文字短文,你应该 简要地描述这幅画 解释它的意图,并 给出你的评论 你应该在答题纸上整齐地写上几点) 成功总是被老年人描述为与耐心有关的东西在图画中,一个男人坐着一打钟在他身边有一个副标题:“成功意味着比别人多坚持五分钟”,从中我们可以推断出,一个人设置这么多钟只是为了提醒自己永远不要放弃;成功源于坚持,这是非常正确的,原因有以下几点:,任何成就都不可能在短时间内实现,成功需要不断的勤奋和努力第二,当一个人能够坚持向成就迈进的时候,他必须相信他所奉献的信念是坚持不懈的源泉,为成功铺平道路,正如俗话所说,“罗马不是一个建成的”最后,我想借用另一句古老的谚语“笑到最后的人笑得最好”笑象征着对成功的信心,而信心总是产生耐心和坚持。因此,我坚信,如果每个人都能将画面所传达的东西运用到实践中,他们一定会收获很多。


标签: 初一 英文 作文 满分 题目

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