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关于”聊天的魅力“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:The charm of chat。以下是关于聊天的魅力的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The charm of chat

Every girl wants to look beautiful, because it means they are shining stars, attracting other people's attention. Fashion is a common way for them to be beautiful. Fashion helps a plain looking girl find self-confidence in most movies.

The heroine is a nobody at first. Their clothes are terrible. No one cares about them except them.

When they grow up and start to look different, people around them begin to notice them and make friends with them. It is this self-confidence that makes them find new things and make changes. Although people say that the true beauty comes from the inside rather than from the outside, it is really important for people to dress neatly.

Because appearance is the first impression of others, there is no need to refuse to pursue fashion. If we are positive about life, why not follow it.





Compared with English and other Latin languages, Chinese faces some challenges. Chinese is not so popular and it is more difficult for computer word processing. Some college students doubt whether it is still one of the best languages in the world, ignoring the extensive research on Chinese learning, which reveals that Chinese has many advantages over other languages.

Written Chinese is based on a group of ideographic characters On the basis of that, people can get rich information about its implied meaning from a simple word. Historians of evolution history and related phrases can decipher the broken ancient characters carved on ox horns. However, it is impossible to express a specific idea in Latin language.

The Chinese version is always the shortest, most accurate and effective. Moreover, Chinese children are familiar with it It is generally acknowledged that the human brain and pattern recognition, in turn, promote the development of the brain. Chinese is also very easy to learn.

Many foreigners can speak fluent Chinese after learning in recent years. China has successfully developed some word processing programs, which are better than English and pattern recognition With the development of China, there are still many treasures to be explored. More and more foreigners will learn Chinese and share their precious wealth.




China has a history of more than 5000 years, which makes its culture broad and profound. The diversity of culture always attracts foreigners to visit China. Chinese clothing is very special, and its characteristics are always added to the foreign dress.

Cheongsam is a classic costume of China, and the charming cheongsam has always been the representative of Chinese traditional style. Many foreign women will do this in the Miss World competition Chinese beauties wear cheongsam to show respect. Chinese beauties will wear cheongsam to show the world Chinese style cheongsam, which makes women's body look so charming, while men will be attracted by the charm of women's clothing in fashion week.

As more and more foreigners are interested in Chinese culture, cheongsam style is favored by many famous designers, who combine their own fashion with the style of cheongsam, To show the world women's body beauty and the charm of Chinese clothing style, they have a strong thirst for knowledge, real China.




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