
作者:用户投稿 阅读:53 点赞:0




Dear president, I would like to recommend Xu Fan as our monitor. He is kind to people, gets along well with his classmates and is willing to help others solve problems. He is humorous and humorous, has many friends, and actively participates in group activities.

He is smart, imaginative and creative. He is very strong and studies hard. He always finishes his homework on time.

He studies English very well and often gets full marks in English.





Hello everyone, I'm Li Hua. Today we gather here to elect the monitor of our class. You know, this is a democratic election.

Everyone has the right to vote for the person he thinks fit, including himself. As far as I know, everyone here has the ability to hold this position. But I think lily is the most qualified person you know, isn't she Ability becomes our mentor, and she is ready and willing to serve us and help our teachers.

In the past few years, what she has done for us, for our class and teachers, I believe you and our teachers have seen as clearly as I do. There is no need to say anything more to her. If you are not interested in her, please vote for her.

That's what I want to say. Thank you very much.




Today, our class held a monitor election, and I was very happy to become the new monitor of the class. But when the election started, I was still very nervous. I could hear my heart beat.

I tried to calm down for a long time. Then I went to the podium to start my prepared speech. I felt that my brain was blank.

When I gave a speech before the election, I felt that my mind was blank I'm full of confidence, but I'm still so nervous when I'm on the platform. Thank you for preparing in advance, otherwise I'll be embarrassed, but the result is that what I want is a happy thing`.




标签: 初一 作文 万能

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