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关于”不同的国家有不同的餐桌礼仪“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Different countries have different table manners。以下是关于不同的国家有不同的餐桌礼仪的高一英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Different countries have different table manners

French table manners French table manners are totally different from those in China. For example, you shouldn't put your bread on the plate, you should put it on the table. I think it's strange that you shouldn't eat anything with your hands except bread, or even fruit (you have to chop it up with a fork).

If you don't want to eat any more, you should say "delicious" and put your hands on your thighs It's impolite to go up. You should try to put your hands on the table, not your elbows. See: French tables behave very differently.




There are some examples of differences between the etiquette of the East and the west culture table. We can talk about the differences between the two cultures. Westerners will use forks, knives, spoons and other tableware, which are made of stainless steel.

In some parts of South Asia, people eat with chopsticks and spoons. The table and table seats are arranged differently in both customs. Most Western tables are rectangular, while the Oriental are round.

In addition, there are differences in the way food is served between two cultures. Westerners serve dinner, one dish or one dish, one dish after another, and each person has their own choice or part of the food separately. However, Oriental culture or Chinese culture, there are many food supplied at the same time, and they are not separately supplied to everyone, so, in the In the meal, the food is shared by the people on the table.

It is impolite for a person to pour food on a plate with chopsticks to pick things he likes. Both cultures think it is impolite to put one's elbow on the table or to speak with food in his mouth.





Michael: what kind of sports do you usually do B: Well, I like doing push ups, and I ride my bike every day a: what do you like about them? B: it's free anyway. OK, it makes me feel stronger, but the important thing is that it makes me feel good a: what else do you do B: swimming, jogging, lifting weights sounds great. How often do you jog B: I try to do at least a little every day The key to exercise is to exercise regularly.

A: what's the best exercise for my health B: I don't think it's possible to name a sport that's good for everyone. A: Yoga? B: Oh, yes, I almost forgot yoga is the most popular sport in the United States. Many people do it, especially movie stars.

They think yoga is a good way to lose weight and calm you down A: it sounds like Chinese breathing exercises. B: what's that? A: it's called Qigong. It's like yoga.

You know that stuff, but in another way. B: Well, Ellen, what's your favorite sport? A: sleep, I think.




标签: 高一 英文 作文 万能 国家

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