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关于”中学生描写动物“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Middle school students describe animals。以下是关于中学生描写动物的初中英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Middle school students describe animals

Youth is not a period of life, it is not a mental state, it is not a ruddy cheek, red lips and soft knees, but a will, an imagination, a kind of emotional vitality, it is the freshness of the spring of life, youth means courage over timidity, the desire for adventure, the love of ease, often exists in a person more than a nobody Just because of the passing of years, we will grow old by giving up our ideals. Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, fear, and distrust distort the mind and turn it back to dust.

Whether there is a miracle in everyone's heart or not, the children's endless desire for the next step, and the joy of the game that lives in you and me, radio: as long as it receives beauty from humanity and infinity When the antenna is down, your spirit is covered with snow of cynicism and ice of pessimism. Then you are old. Even if you set up the antenna to catch the waves of optimism, there is hope that you will die when you are young.




My friend Dong Xiaoyu is my good friend. She lives in China. She is shorter and heavier than Mei Lanfang.

She likes singing, but she doesn't like her drawing and listening to music. She often does her homework on Sundays. Sometimes she goes singing.

She can make kites. This is my good friend. Dong Xiaoyu likes my good friend.




There is a heated discussion about whether a high school student should worship a star. It is undeniable that some stars are very popular among us. This situation makes us have a strong feeling of love for this person.

About% of the students think it is good for all of us. On the other hand, we can relax in the discussion. We can learn good advantages from them.

Moreover, it makes us not outdated and helps us learn more On the one hand, if they indulge in it, they easily lose themselves. On the other hand, they imitate the stars. In my opinion, they easily become bad habits.

Everything has two sides. In such a serious situation, effective measures must be taken before the situation deteriorates. We should treat this matter kindly.

Only by taking these measures can we expect the healthy growth of students.




标签: 初中 英文 作文 真题 动物

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