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关于”对于租房还是买房“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:For renting or buying。以下是关于对于租房还是买房的专八英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:For renting or buying

As to whether to rent a house or to buy a house, many of the debates today are about having one's own property, which is not necessary in this lifetime. Renting a house is a normal state. Whether to buy a house or not is also a completely private matter.

Everything depends on the individual's judgment of the situation and on the individual's opportunity cost. Considering that the house price has reached its peak, some people think that it will make more money to realize the housing investment in the stock market All of them are determined by personality judgment. A person will eventually buy several houses in his life.

The development time of China's commodity market is too short. However, due to the inability to draw an accurate conclusion, some enlightenment can be drawn from the pult customers who are subdivided from the largest real estate company in the United States. The segmentation of pult customers is as follows: first-time home buyers, floating people working all year round, single working DINK families and duplex customers It can be said that buying a house is one of the main consumption activities that must be done in the life of urban people in many times.

The difference is that some people are living in the city in the future People who plan investment carefully, but some people just do their own housing burden which can be paid by installments in the real estate, can not be called house slaves. In contrast, the ability to rent a house for a long time is more like a house slave. Because renting a house is for the landlord, and most of the time, it turns from a slave owner into a major opportunity to buy a house suitable for his economic situation.

In addition to taking it back, the monthly return will be returned Money and personal rent are similar.




Now in China, a topic of discussion is to buy a house or rent a house. Whether it is young people who have just graduated or have some social experience, they will eventually face the very serious problem of buying a house or renting a house. People think that there is a good way to buy a house.

They think that the real estate should hedge against inflation. Now China is rising faster than the house price is falling too fast, So if we have money, we have to buy a house first. Most of them still think that we should get married first, live and work in peace and contentment, and need to have a stable family.

However, one person who does not buy a house should rent a house first. They believe that people who buy a house are under too much pressure. Tens of thousands of down payment plus monthly loan can give people a breath of breath.

In many developed countries, such as the United States and Japan, there are many people who rent houses This kind of life is a very difficult choice for many people. As long as they have their own plan, they should do it in a planned way. The most important thing is to consider their own problems, whether to buy a house or rent a house.




As for this question, I will definitely choose the second answer. There are two reasons for renting a house. First, in short, renting a house will be very convenient.

Once you are tired of this place, you can choose any place you like. You can easily change it. In China, renting a house is much cheaper than buying a house, and the total cost of renting a house in a lifetime is even less than the price of buying a house Anyway, I want to rent.




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