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There are many different climates on the west coast of the United States. The temperature changes little between summer and winter, but the climate in the North Central States is quite different. People wear light clothes in summer, and they need heavy wool or fur clothes in winter.

In the southwest, the climate is warm and pleasant in winter, but the summer is unpleasant hot; in the eastern United States, the temperature in summer is very different from that in winter. In the east of the United States, the temperature in summer is usually very hot, the temperature in winter is usually very cold, the temperature in spring is very comfortable and warm, and the temperature in autumn is cool and pleasant many years ago, people in cold areas of the United States did not often get fresh vegetables and fruits in winter, but It's trucks and trains that carry fruits and vegetables all over the United States, and Americans "pass on their climate to people in other states.


美国的气候美国西海岸有许多不同的气候,夏季和冬季之间温度变化很小,但中北部各州的气候却截然不同,人们在夏季穿轻便的衣服,冬天他们需要厚重的羊毛或毛皮衣服。在西南部,冬季气候温暖宜人,但夏天却令人不快地炎热;在美国东部,夏天的温度与冬天的温度大不相同夏天通常很热,冬天通常很冷春天的温度很舒适温暖,秋天的气温凉爽宜人 多年前,美国寒冷地区的人们在今天的冬天并不经常得到新鲜蔬菜和新鲜水果,但是卡车和火车以这种方式将水果和蔬菜运送到美国各地,美国人把他们的气候“传递给其他州的人。


American food: the best dish Dana Joseph is CNN travel When it comes to American food, the country is best known for things that are more suitable for greasy, ground industries, but Americans have an impressive appetite for good things. To celebrate its boundless culinary creativity, we throw you a list of the most delicious American foods. We know you want to throw out the background rule: inherit It's hard to even try to define American food.

To further admit that choosing your favorite American food inevitably means ignoring or inadvertently neglecting some of the most popular Thanksgiving regional specialties. The dinner room is right where there are turkeys. On the first Thanksgiving Day, the pilgrims decided not to fast, but to meet with the Wampanoag Indians of Plymouth, without ornate decorations or prolonged family quarrels.

Today we avoid their most popular venison, and we tuck their three-day feast into a big meal, but nothing tastes better than Turkey (roasted or fried birds, or toffee, or Louisiana's quirky Turducken seasoning (old bread or corn bread, onions and celery, sausages, fruits, chestnuts), oysters, whatever What mom did, sage is cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes and mashed sweet potatoes, that trendy mung bean casserole with French onion rings on it, pumpkin pie is almost the most iconic (if you ask most children, it's delicious) is the turkey TV dinner, and a Swanson salesman wants to overestimate tons of frozen birds by running out. It's not a joke: he thinks When it came to the idea, he said, from the neatly packaged airplane food, we really like the leftovers.


美国食品:最棒的菜肴Dana Joseph为CNN Travel May,Fast,junk,Processing当谈到美国食品时,这个国家最出名的是用更适合油腻的、磨碎的工业产出来形容的东西,但是美国人对好东西有着令人印象深刻的胃口,为了庆祝它无穷的烹饪创造力,我们把最美味的美国食品清单扔给你我们知道你会想抛出背景规则:承认即使试图定义美国食物也很困难进一步承认,挑选最喜欢的美国食品不可避免地意味着忽略或不小心忽略了一些非常受欢迎的感恩节地区特色食品晚餐屋就在有火鸡的地方。在第一个感恩节,朝圣者决定不斋戒,而是和普利茅斯的万帕诺亚格印第安人聚会时,没有华丽的装饰物,也没有旷日持久的家庭争吵。今天我们避开了他们最常吃的鹿肉,我们把他们三天的盛宴塞进了一顿饕餮大餐,尽管如此,没有什么比火鸡(烤的或油炸的鸟,或太妃糖,或路易斯安那州流行的古怪的turducken调料(老面包或玉米面包,洋葱和芹菜,香肠,水果,栗子)更好吃的了,牡蛎不管你妈妈做了什么,鼠尾草就是蔓越橘酱,土豆泥和红薯泥,那道时髦的绿豆砂锅,上面有法式洋葱圈,南瓜派几乎是最具标志性的(如果你问大多数孩子,也是美味的话)就是火鸡电视晚餐,斯旺森公司的一位推销员想用光高估了数吨的冷冻鸟,这不是开玩笑:他想到了这个主意,他说,从包装整齐的飞机食品中,我们确实喜欢那些剩菜。


Speaking of the United States, most people will think of those magnificent buildings and lively parties. Because Hollywood movies show us the most powerful America, the media always report how powerful the United States is, and foreign media have been criticizing China. Therefore, people have lost confidence in our country.

Not every country is perfect recently. I have learned a lot about the United States I made a better judgment. A video was made by a Chinese student who had studied in the United States for many years.

He told people that some parts of the United States are like big villages, not every place is like a movie on the screen. He came to the conclusion that there is no perfect country, so we need to take the right attitude towards the country, see the bad side and don't lose confidence.




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