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关于”检测相似度的软件下载“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Software download for detecting similarity。以下是关于检测相似度的软件下载的小升初英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Software download for detecting similarity

My lovely dog is my favorite animal. There is a lovely dog. Its name is boby.

I like it very much. My father bought it for him last month. It has two big eyes and a long tongue.

Its hair is white. Bob is so cute and naughty. We all like boby.

We usually say that he is a member of our family. If you come to my house, you can see it A white dog wags its short tail to welcome you. It's Bob, my lovely dog.




Similar and different two people may have very similar qualities. On the other hand, it can be said that everyone in the world is different from others because they are not exactly the same. No two people, anywhere, are exactly the same.

No two people have exactly the same likes and dislikes. Everyone has his own strengths and weaknesses. In order to live a full and happy life, each of us is different All need to strengthen their own advantages and overcome their shortcomings.




When Chinese people first learn English, teachers usually remind students that the "words and sentences" in English and Chinese are incorrect; English and Chinese are basically the common order of "phonetic alphabet". Although there are many years of Chinese civilization, grammar and punctuation marks were developed from the May 4th Movement and developed according to Spanish grammar, but I don't think so To some extent, Chinese grammar is influenced by English grammar. Therefore, English word order is similar.

The pronunciation density of Chinese and English is v F, Chi CI Zi Zhi TR, which makes it easier for Chinese people to learn English than South Korea from Japan and Japan. Therefore, many Korean people think that English pronunciation and grammar are similar to that of Chinese people.


在中国人最初学习英语的时候,老师通常会提醒学生英语和汉语中的“词句”是不正确的;英语和汉语基本上是常见的语虚“拼音为主”的顺序,尽管有着多年的中华文明,语法和标点符号都是从五四运动开始,根据西班牙语法发展起来的,还没有研究过,但我认为,汉语语法在一定程度上受英语语法的影响,因此,英语语序也有相似之处,汉语和英语的语音有v f,chi ci zi-zhi tr的发音密度,它使中国人学习英语比韩国从日本和日本这两个国家容易得多,所以很多韩国人认为英语语音、语法类似于中国人学英语容易。


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