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关于”描写美食“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Describe food。以下是关于描写美食的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Describe food

I live in Nanjing, my favorite is to taste all kinds of delicious food every day, one of which is yaxue FengSi. This kind of food is not only good in taste but also good in color, but the way to cook it before you make a fire is very simple. You should get ready first, and finally put some vegetables in the hot pot.

When you put them into the hot water, then put them into the hot water.




With its reputation as a gourmet paradise, Hong Kong offers a mixture of eastern and Western flavors, as well as a variety of delicious food. However, this does not mean that it costs us one arm and one leg to buy a meal, rather than that most street snacks are sold at reasonable prices. Street snacks can be bought in every corner of the street.

Fish balls, stinky tofu, Eggert, pineapple bag, you can tell their mouth watering taste and delicious. Egg tarts have always been my favorite. The egg tart bakery in Dachang bakery is well known because our former Governor Chris Patten Patten) love it very much.

You can enjoy the governor's delicious food for just $6 a freshly baked one.


享有美食天堂的美誉,香港提供了东方和西方风味的异国融合,以及各种各样的美食乐趣,但这并不意味着买一顿饭会花费我们一只胳膊和一条腿,而不是大多数街头小吃都是以合理的价格出售的。街头小吃可以在街道的每一个角落都能买到,鱼丸、臭豆腐、艾格特、菠萝包,你能说出它令人垂涎的味道和美味,蛋挞一直是我的最爱大昌面包店的蛋挞面包店是众所周知的,因为我们的前任州长彭定康(Chris Patten)非常喜欢它,只要6美元一个新鲜出炉的,你就可以享受州长的美味。


I know something about fried chicken. It's a mixture of bread or flour mixed on the chicken and then fried, fried or pressed. The bread added a crispy crust to the outside.

Chicken itself may be a piece of chicken with skin, or a piece without bone or skin, usually breast meat. I know that coffee is the most widely used beverage in the world in chicken fingers. About half of coffee cups are consumed each year.

There are two basic types of coffee: espresso and regular coffee, or non espresso. Espresso is a variety of coffee offered by cafes and restaurants. Although ordinary coffee is usually prepared for families, I know something about pumpkins.

Pumpkins and other pumpkins are native to North and Central America, but since they are grown around the world, seeds have been used primarily for herbal purposes. Yellow pumpkin flowers are also used as medicine in some local traditions. I know something about papaya, a small clump tree with large leaves and fruits, native to North America.

The genus includes the largest edible fruit in the continent. They are undergrowth trees found in well drained, fertile lowland and and upland habitats. Papaya belongs to the same family as Annona squamosa, Annona squamosa and melon.

It is the only member of this extended family that is not limited to tropical areas.






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