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关于”有文学的题目“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:There are literary topics。以下是关于有文学的题目的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:There are literary topics

Heinrich Heinrich Heine's Lorelei I don't know where it rises. This sad thought is just a story of a passing era. It lingers in my mind.

The air is cool, it darkens and flows peacefully along the Rhine River. The mountain is shining on a sunny night. There is a girl sitting there.

The most beautiful gold ornament is her clothes Light, she combed her golden hair with a golden comb, she combed it, a wild song sang her, melted her heart with a beautiful and powerful melody, the boatman stroked his chest with an inexplicable desire movement, he could not see the Bay in front of him, his eyes were always staring at the boat and boatman, the deep water of Rhine river flowed by, she sang Lorelei with her magic song Everything that has been done.




Consuming too many calories, reducing the accumulation of fat in the body, maintaining a proper weight, enhancing aerobic exercise, promoting blood circulation, reducing chronic diseases such as heart disease, hypertension and diabetes, enhancing body resistance, reducing diseases, strengthening bones, preventing osteoporosis are conducive to welfare, while reducing confusion helps to improve the body, strong muscles and increase the body's soft joints To make it more flexible, reduce casualties, improve the quality of sleep, more fully rest, more energetic, more energetic, more efficient study and work is conducive to relaxation, study or work to eliminate pressure, exercise willpower, courage to face challenges, help to enhance self-confidence, build a healthy self-image, and share happy opportunities with family or friends, so as to provide us with new understanding In addition, I like to play football every day, especially in the sports activities of high quality and high efficiency, and I like the sports activities of high quality and high efficiency. Football is an ideal sport for us because it makes the whole body move, it strengthens our muscles, expands our lungs, promotes blood circulation, and makes the skin have healthy activities, which is very interesting and does not cost us a lot of money. Sports and health and health are healthy and healthy.

A healthy body is necessary for a healthy mind. As we all know, we have a healthy body The best way for us to keep healthy is to take part in the physical exercise, which is to keep our body fresh and healthy, This is essential to our health. In addition, exercise stimulates blood circulation and helps to excrete waste.

Exercise can also improve our appetite, activate our digestive capacity, and we can become strong. I often take an active part in physical exercise and have good health. Even though I am sick, I have to do more physical exercises for my country.





Summarize your paper in a few lines on a piece of waste paper, including the main points and their importance. Your notes can be bullet shaped or short sentences. This will help you focus on the main points of your paper while eliminating unnecessary information.

Summarize your paper with a topic sentence. The topic sentence should be concise and easy to understand, but it should also be relevant to the readers. The conclusion of the article is to remind the readers of your topic.

The topic sentence will form the framework of the passage.





标签: 英文 四年级 作文 年级 满分

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