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5 this year is China's Tomb Sweeping Day, which is one of the most important traditional festivals for young people to go home and visit their parents together. The significance of this day is to commemorate the ancestors. With many years of history, Chinese people pay special attention to commemorate their ancestors, so no matter how far they go, they always know where they are.

When they are old, they will return to their original places. This is a good tradition. The sense of belonging is more secure.

The communication between relatives makes the whole family stronger People are united by the same ancestor, so they treat each other as a family and support each other all the time. What a great tradition.




2:,During the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, Jin Wengong, also known as Chong'er, was one of the five great masters in the spring and Autumn period. He was forced to flee when he was only young because of the dispute between his followers. When he saw that Chong'er was tired, he secretly cut a piece of meat from his thigh and made a bowl of broth for Chong'er to drink.

This moved Chong'er very much, He set fire to the mountain, but he and his mother were burned to death. In memory of Jie Zitui, Jin Wengong designated this day as "cold food festival", which is now the Qingming Festival.




3:清明,Qingming Festival custom Qingming Festival is one of the solar terms in April or April of the Gregorian calendar. This year's tomb day is in April of the Gregorian calendar, which is both a solar term and a festival. Only the Tomb Sweeping Day is our traditional festival and the most important sacrifice Festival.

People in the tomb should transport food, wine, paper money and other items to the cemetery, sacrifice their relatives' food in front of the tomb, and then burn paper money To replace the tomb with new soil, fold some new green branches and insert them into the tomb, then worship, and finally go home to drink https://picwensosocom/pqpic/wenwenpic/0/png/0.




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