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关于”科学与技术相关“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Science and technology related。以下是关于科学与技术相关的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Science and technology related

Dear, I want to share with you my experience in learning English. I just became a senior high school student, and I am not good at English, so I learned English very difficult in high school. I gradually realized the importance of learning English and wanted to learn it well.

So I asked my old teachers and classmates for help. I am glad they can help me. They are all very friendly and give me one Some helpful suggestions, such as listening to English programs and reading English newspapers.

I found many interesting ways to learn English. Now I am more and more interested in it. I believe I can learn English well in high school now,.




"First lady" "honorary first lady" "first lady of the navy" "first lady of this country" "she is so beautiful and kind. Although she looks like the first lady of the United States, she is not proud." first lady "" she will never be forgotten, because she is our first lady for half a century. "-" first lady "" first lady "“ Dolly Madison, first lady of the United States, first lady, Thomas Dewey, today revealed what kind of first lady, first lady, first dog, first lady and gentleman she will be.




The meaning of happiness varies from person to person. Some people think fame and fortune are the greatest happiness, while others regard a stable life as the most precious thing. We can't decide which part is right.

For some people who are eager to make a difference, the factors of happiness are various. They work hard to realize their dreams. Successful people enjoy themselves and control many employees For those who put their family first, they pay special attention to family time.

Therefore, they give up some opportunities and are willing to stay at home. For example, some young people choose to work in small cities so that they can communicate with their families every day Have dinner together. The connection with relatives makes them feel the greatest happiness.

Different values determine what kind of happiness we can find in the world and live a comfortable life.




标签: 高分 四年级 作文 年级

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