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关于”地震时“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:During earthquake。以下是关于地震时的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:During earthquake

Earthquake is one of the most serious natural disasters in the world. The ground vibration caused by the sudden rupture and movement of a large area of the earth's rock crust is very terrible. The Wenchuan earthquake in and the Japan earthquake in are the most serious earthquakes in recent years.

The earthquakes caused huge casualties and property losses, but almost no direct deaths were caused by the earthquakes. Many of the casualties in the earthquake are caused by falling objects and the collapse of buildings.




When you feel an earthquake, you should first protect yourself. After the earthquake, you should keep calm and check all the fire sources. Put out the fire panic quickly.

Make sure you have a way out. Open the doors and windows. Don't rush out in panic.

Be careful of falling objects. Stay away from the door posts and walls. Get the right information after the earthquake.

Take the right action. Make sure your family and neighbors are safe. Rescue and rescue together First aid, make sure the power is off and off before evacuation.




Shockproof measures secure the water heater to the wall. Make sure your house is bolted to the foundation. Some walls may require additional support checks with the local building authority.

The assisting contractor or architect should strategically place fire extinguishers on each floor to ensure that the chimney and roof are in good condition and well supported, and that mirrors, photo frames, hangers, and lights are securely installed Keep your bed away from glass or any hanging objects that may support tall furniture, bookcases and refrigerators, and wall mounted, use solid bolts on cabinet doors, use flexible connectors to supply gas to gas equipment, and set up an emergency meeting place if your family members are separated in an emergency: if you are indoors, stay there, but hide under the porch inside, or sink A heavy desk or under it. If you're out there, stay away from buildings, pay attention to chimneys, overhead lines, poles, or other falling objects, pull over, stay away from bridges and overpasses, stay in the car, turn on the radio for information.




标签: 英文 高分 八年级 作文 地震

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