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Who gives birth to me who supports me? Who dedicates his / her life to me? My parents? Who give me food? Who gives me clothes? Who takes care of my parents? My parents? They don't want to get any return from me. Not only my parents, but all parents in the world will not charge their children any fees. They do everything they can to give us.

They love me all their life, so I love me I've loved my parents since I was born, even though I didn't know it would be my birthday soon. I want to say to my parents: I love you.




Who gives birth to me, who supports me, who dedicates his / her life to me, my parents / who gives me food, who gives me clothes, who takes care of my parents my parents, they don't want to get any return from my parents, all the parents in the world will not charge their children any fees, they give us everything they can. They love me for a lifetime, so I love my parents, and I've loved them since I was born, even if I didn't realize it. I will soon be my birthday, I want to say to my parents: I love your mom and dad.


谁给我生谁养我谁把他/她的一生献给我我我的父母 / 谁给我食物谁给我衣服谁给我照顾我的父母 我的父母,他们不想从我的父母那里得到任何回报,世界上所有的父母都不会对他们的孩子收取任何费用,他们尽他们所能给予我们一切。他们用一生的时间爱着我,所以我爱我的父母,自从我出生以来,我已经开始爱他们了,即使我没有意识到这一点。我很快就要到我的生日了,我想对我的父母说:我爱你爸爸妈妈。


My father is a farmer. He came to the city four years ago and found a job. Then my mother and I moved here.

My father earned very little money and could hardly support the family I am small, short and thin. My parents sometimes buy me some delicious food. I remember clearly that once they gave me roast chicken.

My favorite is that I invite them to eat together, but they all said that I didn't like it, so I ate it. Now our life has a night, my father bought some roast chicken, we suddenly eat happily, I understand why they don't eat it, and then they just want me to eat it. It's my parents' love.


我父亲是个农民,xx年前他来到城市,找到了一份工作,然后我和妈妈搬到了这里,我父亲挣的钱很少,几乎不能养活这个家庭 我又小又矮又瘦,我父母有时会给我买些好吃的东西我清楚地记得有一次他们给了我烤鸡哦,我最喜欢的是我请他们一起吃,但他们都说不喜欢,所以我就把它吃了。现在我们的生活有了一个晚上,我父亲又买了一些烤鸡鸡,我们突然高兴地吃了起来,我明白了为什么他们不吃它,然后他们只想让我吃这是我父母的爱。


标签: 小学 英文 作文 万能 父母

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