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关于”与平等“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:And equality。以下是关于与平等的初三英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:And equality

In many countries in the world, men and women have equal rights. Women are looked down upon. They are more difficult to find a job than men in order to find a job.

Sometimes they have to lie. This is unfair. In fact, women can't work worse than men.

Maybe there is nothing women can't do. Their work is better than men. For example, in the manufacture of telephones and computers, many companies prefer to employ them With women, because men can't pick up small parts with their fingers, and they can also become excellent engineers, doctors and teachers, I believe that the day when women can really get equal rights will come soon.




In the era of equality, when a woman's full obligation is to be a good daughter, a good wife and a good mother, men and women are far from equal. Until today, the so-called feminism has been produced. Feminism has been running for more than a century.

In my opinion, it has fallen into the extreme of "equality". Most of us believe that men and women should enjoy equality in modern society, but what does this equality mean? Feminists are willing to share everything with men. They share the bills and apply for male jobs.

In the long journey to the "equal world", they want to buy all the advantages and disadvantages of a man, but they forget some basic facts. They are women and even schoolchildren know that women are different from men in body and spirit after all. Is it right to ignore these differences and pursue self Wise, even stupid, so-called "equal world", we can't expect a man to give birth to a child, just as we don't want the sun to rise in the west, we can't expect a woman to be the fastest person in the world.

It's very simple, but it seems to be forgotten by feminists. Quality is not divided into two. Real equality should be established In the basic sense of gender differences.

Some jobs can only be done by men well enough. Women should not feel discriminated against when we fail. After all, there are still some jobs.

This is not a symbol of inequality, but a truly important natural law. Only when all people value the spirit of equality can women truly enjoy equality between men and women. Feminism has been going on for more than a century, and the result has gone to extremes.

From my point of view, it is unwise, even stupid, to ignore these differences and pursue the so-called equal world. What is really important is equality of rights and so on.





Nowadays, many female college graduates find it difficult to find a satisfactory position because of the additional requirements of their employers: carefully study the pictures below and write an article in which you should describe the pictures, discuss the causes of this phenomenon, and find solutions. You should write the words neatly on the answer sheet what I see in this picture makes me deeply shocked. As shown in the picture, employers have high requirements for female job seekers.

They require young and beautiful female job seekers. However, ironically, they only provide low paid jobs without pension, benefits, weekends ‰ what this picture reveals is a common phenomenon in contemporary society, some employers are against female employees They should not only have educational qualifications, but also have excellent personal images. It is not surprising to hear that female graduates of famous universities can not find jobs due to the prejudice and high standards of their employers.

What can we do to solve this problem? I think one of the solutions is that the society should establish a positive attitude towards female job seekers On the other hand, female employers should have confidence and firm belief. If they do, they will certainly find a satisfactory job despite all kinds of prejudices.


如今,许多女大学毕业生发现很难找到一个令人满意的职位,因为雇主对她们提出了额外的要求:仔细研究下面的图画,写一篇文章,在这篇文章中,你应该描述图片,讨论这种现象的原因,找到解决办法,你应该把文字写得工整在答题纸上) 我在这张图中看到的情况让我深感震惊,如图所示,雇主对女性求职者的要求很高,他们对女性求职者的要求是年轻漂亮的,但具有讽刺意味的是,他们只提供没有退休金的低薪职位,福利,周末‰这张照片所揭示的是当代社会的一个普遍现象,一些雇主对女雇员的要求很高,她们不仅要有教育方面的资格,而且要有优秀的个人形象,听说名牌大学的女毕业生由于雇主的偏见和高标准而找不到工作并不奇怪,那么我们能做些什么来解决这个问题,我认为其中一个解决办法是,社会应该对女性求职者树立积极的态度,女性在细心、耐心、细腻等方面都可以超越男性;另一方面,女性雇主也应该有信心,有坚定的信念,如果她们真的是这样的话,尽管有种种偏见,他们肯定能找到一份满意的工作。


标签: 初三 英文 作文 真题

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