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关于”介绍一天的作息“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Introduce the work and rest of the day。以下是关于介绍一天的作息的初一英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introduce the work and rest of the day

Mike is this year old. She studies in XXX middle school. She gets up at o'clock every morning to have breakfast.

Then she goes to school at o'clock. We have three classes in the morning. Science is her favorite course.

We have a rest every minute. We always play together. We finish the course at about 4:00 a.m.

and start lunch after lunch. She and her friends often chat at the beginning of class in the afternoon. Most of the students are not good at playing She was the only one who carefully wrote o (∩∩) O (∩∩) O (∩∩) O.




Today is Monday. There are classes in the morning and classes in the afternoon. I can also learn knowledge after class in the morning.

The first and second classes are Chinese. I love my teacher because she is very good to us. The third section is mathematics, which is a little difficult for me.

The fourth class is English. I like English a lot. In the afternoon, the first class is history, the second and third class are physical education.

We have a good time on the playground.





Today is Monday. There are classes in the morning and classes in the afternoon. I can also learn knowledge after class in the morning.

The first and second classes are Chinese. I love my teacher because she is very good to us. The third section is mathematics, which is a little difficult for me.

The fourth class is English. I like English a lot. In the afternoon, the first class is history, the second and third class are physical education.

We have a good time on the playground.





标签: 初一 英文 作文 万能 介绍

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