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关于”有关谦虚“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:About modesty。以下是关于有关谦虚的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:About modesty

Modesty is a national character of Chinese people. There are many stories about modesty in Chinese history. However, some people think that under the influence of western culture, modesty seems to be less important than before.

I don't agree with them. I think this is a quality that everyone should have. Many young people don't realize the importance of modesty.

They just see a little success and don't want to make progress. In addition, some people think highly of themselves and completely ignore others' suggestions and suggestions, which will bring bad consequences to them.





Modesty makes people progress, pride makes people lag behind, pride comes first, shame comes after modesty. Knowledge makes you humble, ignorance makes you proud, knowledge makes you proud. You think you are a noble and powerful man.

Remember pride before falling, knowledge makes people proud: humility, otherwise you will fall behind: conceit is the enemy of progress.




The purpose of this cartoon is to clearly tell us the importance of modesty. No one can deny the importance of modesty. Modesty can inspire people to achieve greater success.

Those modest people will never be satisfied with their current achievements. On the contrary, they will constantly strive for a higher goal. A modest person is more likely to achieve a higher goal and adapt to others I would like to take Newton as an example: how could he, one of the most influential scientists in human history, discover the law of conservation of momentum? If he is only satisfied with the achievement of finding the three laws of motion, we can never be satisfied with our small achievements, but we should keep an open mind Accept new things and absorb new information.

A philosopher once said that success lies in diligence and modesty.




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