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关于”文科的缺点“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Disadvantages of Liberal Arts。以下是关于文科的缺点的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Disadvantages of Liberal Arts

One thing for liberal arts students is that they are either at a loss or understand it as a large group. A group is like sewing needles to solve the dumpling heart. However, few people stop to think about it.

The most important thing is to put it on the shelf, and then to solve the most critical area. This has the advantages of speed and problem-solving. You can list the key points, or you can To analyze with a chart, science students are good at being precise science students.

The bad thing is that no matter how much you make up for them or not, liberal arts students will pile up and have endless possibilities. Perhaps their achievements will surprise them. Liberal arts students' knowledge, divergent thinking and creativity are often an advantage at this time.

Then they can make a decision for their liberal arts students Some standards, and then make full use of their own advantages to complete, this time using art creation work is often more effective.




The Internet is a huge computer network, distributed all over the world, communicating with each other. The Internet is an international collection of computer networks, all of which can understand the standard system of address and command. It started when the U.S.

Department of defense established a nationwide network to connect some universities and contractors. The initial idea was to increase the computing power shared by users in many places and find out what computer networks need in nuclear war or other disasters By providing multiple paths between users, people on ARPNET (this national network was originally called) soon found that they could exchange information and conduct electronic "meetings" with colleagues from afar. The purpose was not related to military enterprises.

If other people's computers stored some interesting things, obtaining a copy was a simple thing (assuming that Some people have not protected it for years and joined more networks, thus increasing access to more and more computers. The first international connection, Norway and the United Kingdom, has today added thousands and millions of networks. The number of computers connected to the Internet is growing so fast that no one can say exactly how many users there are on the Internet Large information repository, can provide a very large network [] Internet Internet.




First of all, from my personal point of view, I think the use of language learning is better, because the text can broaden one's horizons. No matter what major you study, it is the second advantage of improving personal quality and cultivation. Teachers all say that who is smarter and smarter.

Thirdly, from my observation, I think that my history teacher is better than my chemistry teacher The language level and all aspects of quality should be high, geography teacher is higher than physics teacher, political teacher is higher than biology teacher, fourth, I want to remind you that in the United States, some poor students learn, because they don't want to learn, so our school liberal arts class is a little confused than science class, you need to have enough psychological preparation and self-control.




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