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关于”中的名人名言“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Famous quotes in。以下是关于中的名人名言的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Famous quotes in

"Victory belongs to the most persevering person"; "adversity is the midwife of genius"; "genius is an infinite ability to bear pain"; "man is more easily dominated by evil than virtue." "environment is created by me"; "men only consider their own needs, never consider their own ability"; "my motto has always been: open career, for all talented people, There is no difference in birth " people have only two levers: fear and self-interest." "success I only judge people according to the results of their actions.".


“胜利属于最坚忍不拔的人”;“逆境是天才的助产士”;“天才是一种承受痛苦的无限能力”;“人比美德更容易被邪恶所支配”“环境是我创造的”;“男人只考虑自己的需要,从不考虑自己的能力”;“我的座右铭一直是:事业开放对所有有才能的人来说,没有出身的区别“ 人只有两个杠杆:恐惧和自利”“成功我只根据他们行动的结果来判断人”。


: SH ī, B ī I: defeat / failure (a war, etc. / CRA / bsbaulk1: "+ = Turkey bankruptcy failure failure failure defeatism failure Waterloo defeatist (,) wobble Thursdays crash failure interesting Qian Shuang failure is the mother of success and failure, failure abortion = young city failure, Youfei whip, bankruptcy.




Money spent on the brain will never be spent in vain experience is the mother of wisdom everyone is his biggest enemy saying and doing are two different things action is better than eloquence big things from small places wisdom in the mind is better than money in hand a person's voice when there is life, no one's voice is a great ship. It requires deep water, and there is hope / two heads are better than one ( ) Wise people learn from others' mistakes, fools having good companions on the road is the shortest shortcut creating a world needs all kinds of things there can be no great achievements without enthusiasm great career depends not on strength but on perseverance it is never too late to learn it is never too late to mend up after a dead sheep the secret of success is firm goal ‰ misfortune never comes singly ‰ bad luck comes To an optimist, every change is for the better truth is not afraid of investigation good medicine task is painful great people share the same ideals storm makes trees shade and take root deeply live to let life it's better to try bravely than not to do well everything is difficult and easy we don't regret what we get without sweat we are willing Wish is impossible work makes workers constant dripping wears away stones patient people can have what they want. Lack of confidence is the cause of most of our failures the talent for success is just to do what you do well without considering time reading without thinking is like eating without digesting.


花在大脑上的钱决不会白花掉 滴水穿石 经验是智慧之母 每个人都是自己最大的敌人 说和做是两回事 行动胜于雄辩 从小处来的大事 头脑中的智慧胜过手中的金钱 一个人的声音当有生命存在时,没有人的声音是伟大的船要求深水,有希望/ 两个脑袋总比一个好( 聪明人从别人的错误中学习愚人 在路上有好的同伴是最短的捷径 创造一个世界需要各种各样的东西 没有热情就不会有伟大的成就 伟大的事业不是靠力量而是靠毅力 学习永远不会太晚 永远不会太迟亡羊补牢太迟了 成功的秘诀是坚定的目标‰祸不单行‰厄运来了翅膀,走了 不幸告诉我们什么是幸运 对一个乐观主义者来说,每一次改变都是为了更好 真理不怕调查 良药任务痛苦 伟人志同道合 风暴使树木成荫扎根更深 活下去让生活 迟做总比不做好 大胆的尝试是成功的一半 万事皆难易 我们不经汗水获得的东西不后悔 心甘情愿的事是不可能的 工作使工人 滴水穿石 有耐心的人,可以拥有他想要的不自信是我们大多数失败的原因 成功的天赋只不过是把你做的事情做好而不考虑时间 读书而不思考就像吃东西而不消化。


标签: 大学 高分 五年级 作文 名人

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