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关于”赞许的重要性“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:The importance of praise。以下是关于赞许的重要性的高一英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The importance of praise

Without enough tiles, you can't ignore it. As long as you regard it as a process of collecting gems, you will win a diamond like future for yourself. English learning needs vocabulary just like building process needs tiles, and it takes a lot of time.

Vocabulary is the ceramic tiles of buildings. If you don't finish the construction, learning English vocabulary is right and wrong for your English learning It is often important that if English is a building, some people think it is too difficult to read words from memory, so don't complain about it, but it is impossible. Everything needs efforts and gains without effort.




2:表扬的重要性,EQ means emotional intelligence. In other words, EQ is a kind of ability to manage one's own emotions and others' emotions, which is very important to everyone's life. People with high EQ are always good at communicating when others need help.

They can always give their own suggestions because they can think in their own way, so people around like to communicate with them. In addition, those with high EQ are not likely to have conflicts with others. They do not speak directly.

Unlike the mild way that people are easy to accept, they can sensitively know what to say and what to do. On the contrary, they have less conflicts, because other people's high EQ helps them better live in this society.




3:赞许的重要性,Compared with developed countries, even if there is a big gap between science and technology and developed countries, we should give priority to the development of education. The education of labor force is the most important thing. Moreover, the success of many developed countries shows that the prosperity of a country mainly depends on the quality of its labor force, that is, education is the best way for individuals with good education to improve themselves Education helps people acquire the basic knowledge of the world and help them distinguish right from wrong.

Secondly, education improves one's life and work skills so that people can live a good life or achieve success in their career. Finally, education brings people the ability to learn, which is the key role of education.




标签: 高一 英文 作文 万能

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