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关于”参加社团“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Join a club。以下是关于参加社团的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Join a club

Communication between people is the most important thing. It can't be overemphasized. According to the Bible, once upon a time, human beings used a language to communicate, so they tried to build the tower of Babel to communicate with God.

However, they found that such a dream was a castle in the air. Human beings were trapped in it because of the misunderstanding between them. The jealous God made us into such pain Now, people of different races and religions are involved in endless wars, and people die crying.

These consequences are deeply rooted in the lack of communication. Therefore, the lack of communication will lead to the death of people. On the contrary, mutual understanding between people can be established, that is, if there is a channel for dialogue, the relationship between the two countries will be strengthened, misunderstanding will be reduced, and if friends do not like it Quarrel, they get closer, but it's necessary to stay healthy.

Disputes between people are a way of communication, through which we can find solutions to our conflicts. Therefore, we promote mutual understanding. Through communication, we can promote mutual understanding, and one way to cultivate people of different races, religions, genders and ideologies is to argue (not exactly quarrel) in the process of communication, so as to clarify that the lack of communication will lead to the death of mankind.




Insect club you love nature. Are you interested in biology? Would you like to learn more about insects? Join the insect club. An insect club a very kind insect likes insects and knows how to protect them.

Our slogan is: love insects, study insects, protect them. In the club, you can choose your favorite insect as your pet. You can keep it, You'll learn a lot from watching and talking to other people in the club.

We also have a lot of activities. We go to mountains, grasslands, forests and many other places on vacation. You can have a good time there.

You can also find special insects in these activities and learn them. It's really exciting. So, boys and girls, choose insect club.




Poster we will hold a basketball friendly match between our school and the seventh middle school team. The game will start under the playground on November 4 afternoon. We will enjoy the game with you.

This is a good time for us to enjoy the basketball game. Obviously, the game will be very exciting, and you will bring the blood boiling basketball club. I will try my best to do it on October 4.

I can do it. I hope I can be happy here tame.




标签: 大学 作文 真题 专业 社团

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