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关于”演讲稿的及“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Presentation and。以下是关于演讲稿的及的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Presentation and

I am a lively, cheerful, ambitious girl, I have centimeter height, kilogram weight, I like to use a smile to treat everything around me. Friendly smile can convey a good intention to people. Being a stewardess is my dream all the time.

I like the feeling of flying in the blue sky when I encounter difficulties. I never shrink back. I always talk to them with a smile and have the courage to move forward.

I love you To be a stewardess is a noble profession. I have a positive and optimistic attitude. The tradition of hard work is all I have.

I believe I can do it. I am an outgoing girl. I have height and kilogram.

I like to smile with everything around me. Smile can give me a smile. It is my dream to be a stewardess because I like to fly in the sky.

I never give up in the face of difficulties Smile forward, I love the job of stewardess, I have an optimistic attitude and hard work, I believe I have the ability to do this job.




Dear students, our way of life is always sunny, blue sky, even the last ray of the most dazzling sunshine is said to be excellent academic performance, is said to be given to me to help others, I think the most brilliant sunshine in our lifestyle should belong to the temple map, help us grow. Thank you, yes, learning to be grateful is a kind of sentiment, Learning to be grateful is also a kind of character as teachers and our students, the most important gratitude is a big growth stage of our life given by the school: bright and spacious classroom, new desks and chairs, air conditioning and happiness, and multimedia facilities, which provide us with an attractive learning environment, a bright and clean room with a book, and a flat knowledge of marine tourism The beautiful playground provides us with a good place to exercise, and there are ceramic room, computer room, dance room, multi-function hall, etc. no school is not out of the dedication of our selfless love; however, in these beautiful places, often with some disharmonious notes reading in a room, some students are reading, when abandon, I don't know how There are more tears and books.

When the red, green and white man-made playground is opened and selflessly embraced, some disharmonious scenes hurt our eyes: colorful confetti, colorful Tangzhi, and shell seeds and chewing gum scattered in every corner. On the list of these students, please put your hands on your chest and ask yourself, "I To be a grateful school students, let's work together now, with their good health habits to school Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving, let the campus flowers bloom more beautiful.


亲爱的同学们,我们的生活方式总是阳光明媚,蓝天碧蓝,哪怕是最后那一缕最耀眼的阳光据说是学习成绩优异,据说是为了帮助别人而给予我的,我认为我们的生活方式中最灿烂的阳光应该是属于寺庙地图的,帮助我们成长感谢大家是的,学会感恩是一种感悟,学会感恩,也是一种品格 作为老师和我们的学生,最重要的感恩是学校给我们人生的一个大成长阶段:明亮宽敞的教室,新的课桌椅,空调和幸福,还有多媒体设施,为我们提供了一个有吸引力的学习环境一本书明亮干净的房间,为我们提供了海洋旅游知识的平坦美丽的大操场,为我们提供了锻炼的好地方,还有陶艺室、电脑室、舞蹈室、多功能厅等,没有一所学校不是出于对我们无私的爱的奉献;然而,在这些美丽的地方,常常带着一些不和谐的音符在一个房间里看书,有的同学在看书,阿班顿时,我不知道原来是怎么放的,还有更多的眼泪,用书的现象当红绿白相间的人造大操场把它打开无私的拥抱,一些不和谐的场景伤害了我们的眼睛:五颜六色的五彩纸屑,五颜六色的唐芝,还有散落在各个角落的贝壳种子、口香糖等等,这些学生的名单上,请把手放在胸前问自己:“我做一个感恩学校的学生,让我们现在一起努力,用自己良好的健康习惯来学校感恩、感恩,让校园里的鲜花绽放得更加美丽。


The night before I went to Scotland, I was invited to host the final of "China's talent show" in Shanghai. The audience guessed who was the guest of the show, Susan Boyle. I told her, "I'm going to Scotland the next day." she sang very well.

She even said a few words in Chinese (Chinese), so it was not like "hello" or "thank you". It means "free scallion". The reason why she said this is because it comes from our Chinese line, Susan Boyle, a vegetable vendor in Shanghai, a woman who is only a few years old, likes to sing Western opera, but she doesn't know any English, French or Italian, so she tries to fill in the names of vegetables in the lyrics in Chinese (laughter), and she sings "Nessun" in the stadium The last sentence of "DOMA" is "free onion", so Susan Boyle Boyle) said that the live audience sang funny together.

I think Susan Boyle and Shanghai vegetable vendors belong to another kind of people. They don't want to succeed in the entertainment industry, but their courage and talent bring them to the stage. A performance and a platform give them a stage to realize their dreams.

It's not difficult for us to see from different angles, but I think it's good to be different because you come up with a different point of view and you may have the opportunity to make a change.


在我去苏格兰的前一天晚上,我受邀在上海主持“中国达人秀”的决赛,现场观众猜谁是表演嘉宾苏珊·博伊尔,我告诉她,“我第二天要去苏格兰”她唱得很动听,她甚至用中文(中文)说了几句话,所以不像“你好”或“谢谢”,那是“免费的大葱”的意思。她为什么这么说是因为这句话来自我们的中文台词苏珊·博伊尔,一个上海的菜贩,一个年仅几岁的女人,喜欢唱西戏,但她不懂任何英语、法语或意大利语,所以她设法用中文在歌词中填上蔬菜的名字(笑声),而她在体育场里演唱的《nessun dorma》的最后一句是“免费的葱”,所以苏珊·博伊尔(susan boyle)说,现场观众一起唱的很搞笑,我想苏珊·博伊尔和上海的菜贩都属于另一种人,他们最不希望在娱乐业取得成功,但他们的勇气和才华却把他们带到了舞台上,一场表演和一个平台给了他们实现梦想的舞台不同并不难,我们从不同的角度来看都是不同的,但我认为与众不同是好的,因为你提出了不同的观点,你可能有机会做出改变。


标签: 小学 高分 作文 格式 范文

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