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关于”追星的危害“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:The harm of star chasing。以下是关于追星的危害的八级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The harm of star chasing

Nowadays, star worship is very popular among teenagers, especially many college students. When it comes to the symptoms of star worship, I would like to say that the main factor is blindly imitating idols. Teenagers firmly believe that their choice is the best.

Therefore, the clothes, hairstyles and hobbies of stars and their behaviors in public will also be closely observed or tracked. However, to some extent, they may be considered inappropriate or even absurd. In my opinion, having idols is not a bad thing, but we should make it clear to me who are the real heroes.

The real heroes are those who have made the greatest contribution to our society. For example, as teachers, doctors and scientists of students, we should learn from them. Only in this way can we become useful people in the future.








My star chasing experience Fan Bingbing is my idol. She is one of the most popular stars. She is very beautiful and capable.

I like watching her movies and TV dramas. But last Saturday, I saw her in reality to attend the opening ceremony of Vientiane city. I heard her coming.

I went there in the morning to prevent missing with her. I waited there until seven o'clock in the evening, but it was worth having so many people Try to find a good place. Oh, my God.

I saw Fan Bingbing. She is more beautiful than on TV. She shocked me.

Her words and deeds are very appropriate. Today is a beautiful day.




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