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Reality TV star Daisy de la Hoya, who was the host of the VH1 TV show Daisy of love, tweeted about her feelings about her lover's death. She died of a suspected overdose in her mother's apartment in Los Angeles. She wrote on Twitter: "I'm so sad now.

This is the worst day ever. I can't believe it's a source close to the age of one who revealed that she and Haim had just died He started dating, just before he died, with his namesake friend Corey "Daisy knows Corey is taking drugs, especially prescribing drugs. She thinks he is kind and talented.

She wants to save him. In the past few weeks, she has become his confidant. He tells her a lot that" they are not in an exclusive relationship, but they are happy to meet each other and see what happens "What's born?" a representative of the reality TV star told the website on another microblog.

"She cried bitterly," della Hoya wrote, "why do I always fall in love with the lost soul, we could have lost it together, now you'll always lose it, and I'll miss you." on the US News Program "visit Hollywood" on Thursday, Mar de la "I should have seen him later this week," Hoya added, suppressing tears. "I just had a very difficult year with a relationship. She revealed that Feldman and his estranged wife introduced her to Haim and warned her that he had a problem:" he has his own reservations, but I think I really like this person, and I think we have never There's not so much time to really do it.

" He needs a positive person in his life, because I don't think he has too much (them) "I said, I don't care what people say about it or your personal opinion about it. I know you've been friends with him for years, and you've had your ups and downs, but I think I want to be there, for example, to show this person that he's really great." I always do I want to see the good in people who have dealt with these problems myself, so when I see myself in others, I recognize the demons and I want to be there to help people, so naturally I always flock to the injured birds.


电视真人秀明星黛西·德拉霍亚(Daisy De La Hoya)在VH1电视节目《爱的黛西》中担任主持人,她在Twitter上倾诉了她对情人去世的情感,她在洛杉矶的母亲公寓里疑似服药过量死亡,她在推特上写道:“我现在太伤心了,这是有史以来最糟糕的一天,我不敢相信这是一个接近岁的消息来源透露她和哈伊姆才刚开始约会,就在他临终前,和他同名的朋友科里·费尔德曼(Corey Feldman)一起参加了一个花花公子宅邸派对,知情者告诉Eonlinecom,“黛西知道科里在吸毒,尤其是开处方药,她认为他很善良很有才华,她想救他,在过去的几周里,她成了他的知己,他告诉她很多“他们不是在一个独家的关系,但他们很高兴认识对方,看看会发生什么,”真人秀明星的代表在另一条微博上对网站说,“她哭得很伤心”,德拉霍亚写道,“为什么我总是爱上失去的灵魂,我们本可以一起失去,现在你永远失去我会想念你”,周四在美国新闻节目《好莱坞访问》上,马德拉霍亚(Mar De La Hoya)忍住泪水补充道,“我本应该在本周晚些时候见到他(哈伊姆)”“我刚和一段感情过了一段非常艰难的xx年她透露,费尔德曼和他疏远的妻子把她介绍给哈伊姆,并警告她说他有问题:“他有自己的保留意见,但我觉得我真的很喜欢这个人,我觉得我们从来没有那么多时间去真正做到这一点。”他需要一个积极的人在他的生活中,因为我觉得他没有太多(他们)“我说,我不在乎别人怎么说这件事,也不在乎你个人对这件事的看法,我知道你已经和他做了多年的朋友,你也有过你的起伏,但我觉得我想在那里,比如,向这个人展示他真的很棒“,我总是想看到我自己处理过这些问题的人身上的优点,所以当我看到别人身上的自己时,我认识到那些恶魔,我想在那里帮助人们,所以我自然总是成群结队地去受伤的鸟儿。”。


When we were young, many people asked about our dreams. Most of our answers were doctors, police, teachers, etc., but when we grow up, we must face the reality. Not everyone will realize their childhood dreams.

Some dreams are even unrealistic and can never be realized. We should treat the relationship between dreams and reality correctly. First of all, dreams are the spirit to encourage people to progress Power Napoleon once said: he is a bad soldier who does not dream of becoming a general in the process of growing up, and he must give up his goal when he encounters difficulties.

At this moment, dream is the driving force for us to persist. Reality is the reflection of the real environment. Many people think that dream is heaven and reality is hell.

But in my opinion, reality is a double-edged sword, when young people indulge in unreality In my opinion, both dreams and reality are very important. One of the most important things for young people is to face the changing society with a positive attitude and strive to cultivate their interest. This is easier to succeed.




How did you do it, dad? How did you stop drinking in recent years? "It took me nearly a few years to have the courage to ask my father this very personal question. When my father gave up drinking for the first time, when he fell into a situation that used to make him drink a few more times, the whole family was nervous. For several years, we didn't dare to mention it because we were afraid to drink It will start again.

"I have a little poem that I recite at least four or five times a day," dad answered an unsolicited question when I was old. "These words give me a sudden relief and keep reminding me that things have never been so difficult and I can't deal with them," Dad said. Then he shared the poem with me, and its simple and profound words immediately became part of my daily life part.

About a month after this conversation with my father, I received a gift from a friend with a Book of affirmation about every day of the year. My experience is that when you hold something from a few days of the year, you automatically turn to the page that lists your own birthday. I hastened to open the book until November to see what wisdom it had for me.

I repeated, tears of disbelief and gratitude rolled down my face. On my birthday, it was this poem that helped my father. Over the years, it was called a quiet prayer: God, please give me peace, accept what I can't change, have the courage to change what I can, and the wisdom to distinguish the difference.





标签: 七年级 作文 万能 年级

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