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关于”人生最大的遗憾“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:The greatest regret in life。以下是关于人生最大的遗憾的初中英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The greatest regret in life

Now, there are all kinds of newspapers in the world. They affect people's daily life by reading newspapers. People can know what is happening, what is happening, and even what is going to happen.

Don't you think it is important? We can see a lot of advertisements when we read and buy anything we want, and we can learn something from them Don't you think that's enough to show that newspapers should try to influence public opinion.




My junior high school life will soon be over. I will soon enter high school. I have so many unforgettable memories in my mind.

I won the first place in the competition. All the classmates are proud of me, especially our teacher. Mr.

Liu he thinks that I deserve it because he knows how hard I train and more importantly, he has been supporting me He told me that if I want to achieve my goal, I have to do my best to prepare for it. I'm glad that I have learned something very useful in the near future and I will keep it in my mind.




I'm sorry before singing. A famous actor asked his hometown audience if you've heard my songs before? He said that you have not heard my song, he said that I am sorry you have not heard my song, but you have heard my song is even more regrettable.




标签: 初中 作文 真题 人生

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