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关于”植物的作用“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Role of plants。以下是关于植物的作用的初二英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Role of plants

Plants are essential to the balance between nature and human life. Green plants, that is, those plants with chlorophyll, produce their own food and release oxygen in the process of photosynthesis. Among them, water and carbon dioxide are formed by combining the energy of light plants, which are the ultimate source of food and metabolic energy of almost all animals.

These animals can not make their own food except food Our food (such as grains, fruits and vegetables) are essential plant products for human beings, including wood and wood products, fiber, medicine, oil, latex, pigment, resin coal and petroleum are fossil materials of plant origin. Therefore, plants not only provide food for people, but also provide shelter, clothing, medicine and fuel. Plants are the raw materials of countless other products The pillar of life is also an important resource for human well-being.

Just think about how your daily life depends on plant food: in human history, everything we eat comes directly or indirectly from plants, and about different kinds of plants are used as food.




2:植物的作用,Plants seem to know which way is up and which way is down. In addition, they seem to know from left to right that if a branch of a tree is still alive, new shoots will grow from the top part of the tree. Even under a microscope, there is no obvious difference between the top and bottom of the living branch.

The stick will not shoot from the end it considers to be the bottom, even if it happens to be at the top. Scientists are studying the subject One step along the length of their cuttings, to their surprise, they made a new discovery: the split surface on the right side of the sprouts grow much more than the left side, again inserted, found that the buds grow on the right side. The results of the whole study show that the right side is the best choice, which proves that most of the growing plants are right-handed.




标签: 初二 作文 万能 作用

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